Source code for algotom.util.utility

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# Copyright (c) 2021 Nghia T. Vo. All rights reserved.
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# Author: Nghia T. Vo
# E-mail:  
# Description: Utility methods
# Contributors:
# ============================================================================

Module of utility methods:

    -   Methods for parallel computing, geometric transformation, masking.
    -   Methods for customizing stripe/ring removal methods
            +   sort_forward
            +   sort_backward
            +   separate_frequency_component
            +   generate_fitted_image
            +   detect_stripe
            +   calculate_regularization_coefficient
            +   make_2d_butterworth_window
            +   make_2d_damping_window
            +   apply_wavelet_decomposition
            +   apply_wavelet_reconstruction
            +   apply_filter_to_wavelet_component
            +   interpolate_inside_stripe
            +   transform_slice_forward
            +   transform_slice_backward
    -   Customized smoothing filters:
            +   apply_gaussian_filter (in the Fourier space)
            +   apply_regularization_filter
    -   Methods for grid scans:
            +   detect_sample
            +   fix_non_sample_areas
            +   locate_slice
            +   locate_slice_chunk
    -   Methods for speckle-based tomography
            +   generate_spiral_positions
    -   Method for finding the center of rotation by visual inspection.
            +   find_center_visual_sinograms

import sys
import multiprocessing as mp
import pywt
import numpy as np
import numpy.fft as fft
from numba import cuda
import scipy.ndimage as ndi
from scipy import interpolate
import as win
from scipy.signal import savgol_filter
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
import as losa

[docs]def parallel_process_slices(data, method, parameters, axis=1, ncore=None, prefer="threads", **kwargs): """ Apply a processing method to slices of a 3D array in parallel. Parameters ---------- data : array_like or hdf object 3D data array or HDF dataset. method : callable Function to apply to each slice. parameters : list List of positional parameters for the method. axis : int Axis along which the method is applied. ncore : int, optional Number of cpu-cores used for computing. Automatically selected if None. prefer : {"threads", "processes"} Preferred parallel backend ("threads" for I/O bound tasks or "processes" for CPU-bound tasks). **kwargs : dict Additional keyword parameters to pass to the method. Returns ------- array_like Same axis-definition as the input. """ (depth, height, width) = data.shape if ncore is None: ncore = np.clip(mp.cpu_count() - 1, 1, None) else: ncore = np.clip(ncore, 1, None) if not isinstance(parameters, list): parameters = list([parameters]) if axis == 2: data_out = Parallel(n_jobs=ncore, prefer=prefer)( delayed(method)(data[:, :, i], *parameters, **kwargs) for i in range(width)) data_out = np.copy(np.moveaxis(np.float32(data_out), 0, 2)) elif axis == 1: data_out = Parallel(n_jobs=ncore, prefer=prefer)( delayed(method)(data[:, i, :], *parameters, **kwargs) for i in range(height)) data_out = np.copy(np.moveaxis(np.float32(data_out), 0, 1)) else: data_out = Parallel(n_jobs=ncore, prefer=prefer)( delayed(method)(data[i, :, :], *parameters, **kwargs) for i in range(depth)) data_out = np.float32(data_out) return data_out
[docs]def apply_method_to_multiple_sinograms(*args, **kwargs): msg = "!!! 'apply_method_to_multiple_sinograms' has been removed after " \ "version 1.5.0. Please use 'parallel_process_slices' instead. " \ "Refer to the documentation for details on parameters and usage " \ "adjustments needed!!!" raise NotImplementedError(msg)
[docs]def mapping(mat, x_mat, y_mat, order=1, mode="reflect"): """ Apply a geometric transformation to a 2D array Parameters ---------- mat : array_like 2D array. x_mat : array_like 2D array of the x-coordinates. y_mat : array_like 2D array of the y-coordinates. order : int, optional The order of the spline interpolation, default is 1. The order has to be in the range 0-5. mode : {'reflect', 'constant', 'nearest', 'mirror', 'wrap'}, optional The mode parameter determines how the input array is extended beyond its boundaries. Default is 'reflect'. Returns ------- array_like 2D array. """ coords = np.vstack((np.ndarray.flatten(y_mat), np.ndarray.flatten(x_mat))) mat = ndi.map_coordinates(mat, coords, order=order, mode=mode) return mat.reshape(x_mat.shape)
[docs]def make_circle_mask(width, ratio): """ Create a circle mask. Parameters ----------- width : int Width of a square array. ratio : float Ratio between the diameter of the mask and the width of the array. Returns ------ array_like Square array. """ mask = np.zeros((width, width), dtype=np.float32) center = width // 2 radius = ratio * center y, x = np.ogrid[-center:width - center, -center:width - center] mask_check = x * x + y * y <= radius * radius mask[mask_check] = 1.0 return mask
[docs]def sort_forward(mat, axis=0): """ Sort gray-scales of an image along an axis. e.g. axis=0 is to sort along each column. Parameters ---------- mat : array_like 2D array. axis : int Axis along which to sort. Returns -------- mat_sort : array_like 2D array. Sorted image. mat_index : array_like 2D array. Index array used for sorting backward. """ if axis == 0: mat = np.transpose(mat) (nrow, ncol) = mat.shape list_index = np.arange(0.0, ncol, 1.0) mat_index = np.tile(list_index, (nrow, 1)) mat_comb = np.asarray(np.dstack((mat_index, mat))) mat_comb_sort = np.asarray( [row[row[:, 1].argsort()] for row in mat_comb]) mat_sort = mat_comb_sort[:, :, 1] mat_index = mat_comb_sort[:, :, 0] if axis == 0: mat_sort = np.transpose(mat_sort) mat_index = np.transpose(mat_index) return mat_sort, mat_index
[docs]def sort_backward(mat, mat_index, axis=0): """ Sort gray-scales of an image using an index array provided. e.g. axis=0 is to sort each column. Parameters ---------- mat : array_like 2D array. mat_index : array_like 2D array. Index array used for sorting. axis : int Axis along which to sort. Returns -------- mat_sort : array_like 2D array. Sorted image. """ if axis == 0: mat = np.transpose(mat) mat_index = np.transpose(mat_index) mat_comb = np.asarray(np.dstack((mat_index, mat))) mat_comb_sort = np.asarray( [row[row[:, 0].argsort()] for row in mat_comb]) mat_sort = mat_comb_sort[:, :, 1] if axis == 0: mat_sort = np.transpose(mat_sort) return mat_sort
[docs]def separate_frequency_component(mat, axis=0, window=None): """ Separate low and high frequency components of an image along an axis. e.g. axis=0 is to apply the separation to each column. Parameters ---------- mat : array_like 2D array. axis : int Axis along which to apply the filter. window : array_like or dict 1D array or a dictionary which given the name of a window in the scipy_window list and its parameters (without window-length). E.g window={"name": "gaussian", "sigma": 5} Returns ------- mat_low : array_like 2D array. Low-frequency image. mat_high : array_like 2D array. High-frequency image. """ if axis == 0: mat = np.transpose(mat) (nrow, ncol) = mat.shape pad = min(150, int(0.1 * ncol)) if window is None: window = {"name": "gaussian", "sigma": 5} if not isinstance(window, dict): if len(window) != ncol: raise ValueError("Window-length is not the same as the" " axis-length!") else: window = np.pad(window, (pad, pad), mode='constant', constant_values=1.0) else: win_name = tuple(window.values())[0] para = tuple(window.values())[1:] window = getattr(win, win_name)(ncol + 2 * pad, *para) list_sign = np.power(-1.0, np.arange(ncol + 2 * pad)) mat_pad = np.pad(mat, ((0, 0), (pad, pad)), mode='reflect') mat_smooth = np.copy(mat) for i, line in enumerate(mat_pad): mat_smooth[i] = np.real( fft.ifft(fft.fft(line * list_sign) * window) * list_sign)[pad:ncol + pad] mat_sharp = mat - mat_smooth if axis == 0: mat_smooth = np.transpose(mat_smooth) mat_sharp = np.transpose(mat_sharp) return mat_smooth, mat_sharp
[docs]def generate_fitted_image(mat, order, axis=0, num_chunk=1): """ Apply a polynomial fitting along an axis of an image. e.g. axis=0 is to apply the fitting to each column. Parameters ---------- mat : array_like 2D array. order : int Order of the polynomial used to fit. axis : int Axis along which to apply the filter. num_chunk : int Number of chunks of rows or columns to apply the fitting. Returns ------- mat_fit : array_like """ (nrow, ncol) = mat.shape if axis == 0: size = nrow // num_chunk length = size if (size % 2 == 1) else size - 1 mat_fit = savgol_filter(mat, length, order, axis=axis, mode='mirror') else: size = ncol // num_chunk length = size if (size % 2 == 1) else size - 1 mat_fit = savgol_filter(mat, length, order, axis=axis, mode='mirror') return mat_fit
[docs]def detect_stripe(list_data, snr): """ Locate stripe positions using Algorithm 4 in Ref. [1] Parameters ---------- list_data : array_like 1D array. Normalized data. snr : float Ratio (>1.0) for stripe detection. Greater is less sensitive. Returns ------- array_like 1D binary mask. References ---------- [1] : """ npoint = len(list_data) list_sort = np.sort(list_data) xlist = np.arange(0, npoint, 1.0) ndrop = np.int16(0.25 * npoint) (slope, intercept) = np.polyfit(xlist[ndrop:-ndrop - 1], list_sort[ndrop:-ndrop - 1], 1)[:2] y_end = intercept + slope * xlist[-1] noise_level = np.abs(y_end - intercept) if noise_level < 1.0e-5: raise ValueError("The method doesn't work on noise-free data. If you " "apply the method on simulated data, please add" " noise!") val1 = np.abs(list_sort[-1] - y_end) / noise_level val2 = np.abs(intercept - list_sort[0]) / noise_level list_mask = np.zeros(npoint, dtype=np.float32) if val1 >= snr: upper_thresh = y_end + noise_level * snr * 0.5 list_mask[list_data > upper_thresh] = 1.0 if val2 >= snr: lower_thresh = intercept - noise_level * snr * 0.5 list_mask[list_data <= lower_thresh] = 1.0 return list_mask
[docs]def calculate_regularization_coefficient(width, alpha): """ Calculate coefficients used for the regularization-based method. Eq. (7) in Ref. [1]. Parameters ---------- width : int Width of a square array. alpha : float Regularization parameter. Returns ------- float Square array. References ---------- [1] : """ tau = 2.0 * np.arcsinh(np.sqrt(alpha) * 0.5) ilist = np.arange(0, width) jlist = np.arange(0, width) matjj, matii = np.meshgrid(jlist, ilist) mat1 = np.abs(matii - matjj) mat2 = matii + matjj mat1a = np.cosh((width - 1 - mat1) * tau) mat2a = np.cosh((width - mat2) * tau) matcoe = - (np.tanh( 0.5 * tau) / (alpha * np.sinh(width * tau))) * (mat1a + mat2a) return matcoe
[docs]def make_2d_butterworth_window(width, height, u, v, n): """ Create a 2d window from the 1D Butterworth window. Parameters ---------- height : int Height of the window. width : int Width of the window. u : int Cutoff frequency. n : int Filter order. v : int Number of rows (= 2*v) around the height middle are the 1D Butterworth windows. Returns ------- array_like 2D array. """ xcenter = np.ceil(width / 2.0) - 1.0 ycenter = np.int16(np.ceil(height / 2.0) - 1) xlist = np.arange(width) - xcenter window = 1.0 / (1.0 + np.power(xlist / u, 2 * n)) row1 = ycenter - np.int16(v) row2 = ycenter + np.int16(v) + 1 window_2d = np.ones((height, width), dtype=np.float32) window_2d[row1:row2] = window return window_2d
[docs]def make_2d_damping_window(width, height, size, window_name="gaussian"): """ Make 2D damping window from a list of 1D window for a Fourier-space filter, i.e. a high-pass filter. Parameters ---------- height : int Height of the window. width : int Width of the window. size : int Sigma of a Gaussian window or cutoff frequency of a Butterworth window. window_name : str, optional Two options: "gaussian" or "butter". Returns ------- array_like 2D array of the window. """ xcenter = np.ceil(width / 2.0) - 1.0 xlist = np.arange(width) - xcenter if window_name == "butter": window = 1.0 - 1.0 / (1.0 + np.power(xlist / size, 2)) else: window = 1.0 - np.exp(-xlist ** 2 / (2 * (size ** 2))) return np.tile(window, (height, 1))
[docs]def apply_wavelet_decomposition(mat, wavelet_name, level=None): """ Apply 2D wavelet decomposition. Parameters ---------- mat : array_like 2D array. wavelet_name : str Name of a wavelet. E.g. "db5" level : int, optional Decomposition level. It is constrained to return an array with a minimum size of larger than 16 pixels. Returns ------- list The first element is an 2D-array, next elements are tuples of three 2D-arrays. i.e [mat_n, (cH_level_n, cV_level_n, cD_level_n), ..., (cH_level_1, cV_level_1, cD_level_1)] """ (nrow, ncol) = mat.shape max_level = int( min(np.floor(np.log2(nrow / 16.0)), np.floor(np.log2(ncol / 16.0)))) if (level is None) or (level > max_level) or (level < 1): level = max_level return pywt.wavedec2(mat, wavelet_name, level=level)
[docs]def apply_wavelet_reconstruction(data, wavelet_name, ignore_level=None): """ Apply 2D wavelet reconstruction. Parameters ---------- data : list or tuple The first element is an 2D-array, next elements are tuples of three 2D-arrays. i.e [mat_n, (cH_level_n, cV_level_n, cD_level_n), ..., (cH_level_1, cV_level_1, cD_level_1)]. wavelet_name : str Name of a wavelet. E.g. "db5" ignore_level : int, optional Decomposition level to be ignored for reconstruction. Returns ------- array_like 2D array. Note that the sizes of the array are always even numbers. """ if ignore_level is not None: level = len(data[1:]) if level >= ignore_level > 0: data[-ignore_level] = tuple( [np.zeros_like(v) for v in data[-ignore_level]]) return pywt.waverec2(data, wavelet_name)
[docs]def check_level(level, n_level): """ Supplementary method for the method of "apply_filter_to_wavelet_component". To check if the provided level is in the right format. """ if level is None: level = list(range(1, n_level + 1)) else: if isinstance(level, int): if 0 < level <= n_level: level = [level] else: raise ValueError( "Level is out of range: [1:{}]!".format(n_level)) elif isinstance(level, list) or isinstance(level, tuple): level = [(i if (0 < i <= n_level) else 0) for i in level] if 0 in level: raise ValueError( "Level is out of range: [1:{}]!".format(n_level)) else: raise ValueError("Level-input format is incorrect!") return level
[docs]def apply_filter_to_wavelet_component(data, level=None, order=1, method=None, para=None): """ Apply a filter to a component of the wavelet decomposition of an image. Parameters ---------- data : list or tuple The first element is an 2D-array, next elements are tuples of three 2D-arrays. i.e [mat_n, (cH_level_n, cV_level_n, cD_level_n), ..., (cH_level_1, cV_level_1, cD_level_1)]. level : int, list of int, or None Decomposition level to be applied the filter. order : {0, 1, 2} Specify which component in a tuple, (cH_level_n, cV_level_n, cD_level_n), to be filtered. method : str Name of the filter in the namespace. E.g. method="gaussian_filter" para : list or tuple Parameters of the filter. E.g para=[(1,11)] Returns ------- list or tuple The first element is an 2D-array, next elements are tuples of three 2D-arrays. i.e [mat_n, (cH_level_n, cV_level_n, cD_level_n), ..., (cH_level_1, cV_level_1, cD_level_1)]. """ n_level = len(data[1:]) level = check_level(level, n_level) order = np.clip(order, 0, 2) data = [list(i_data) for i_data in data] if method is None: method = "gaussian_filter" if para is None: para = [(1, 11)] if not isinstance(para, list): para = tuple(list([para])) else: para = tuple(para) funcs = [f_name for (f_name, item) in globals().items() if callable(item)] for i in level: if method in dir(ndi): data[i][order] = getattr(ndi, method)(data[i][order], *para) else: if method in funcs: obj = sys.modules[__name__] data[i][order] = getattr(obj, method)(data[i][order], *para) else: raise ValueError("Can't find the method: '{}' in the" " namespace!".format(method)) data = [tuple(i_data) for i_data in data] data[0] = np.asarray(data[0]) return data
[docs]def interpolate_inside_stripe(mat, list_mask, kind="linear"): """ Interpolate gray-scales inside vertical stripes of an image. Stripe locations given by a binary 1D-mask. Parameters ---------- mat : array_like 2D array. list_mask : array_like 1D array. Must equal the width of an image. kind : {'linear', 'cubic', 'quintic'}, optional The kind of spline interpolation to use. Default is 'linear'. Returns ------- array_like """ (nrow, ncol) = mat.shape if len(list_mask) != ncol: raise ValueError("Length of a binary 1D-mask is not the same as the " "width of an image!") mat = np.copy(mat) list_mask = np.copy(list_mask) list_mask[0:2] = 0.0 list_mask[-2:] = 0.0 xlist = np.where(list_mask < 1.0)[0] ylist = np.arange(nrow) if kind == "cubic": finter = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(ylist, xlist, mat[:, xlist], kx=2, ky=2) elif kind == "quintic": finter = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(ylist, xlist, mat[:, xlist], kx=3, ky=3) else: finter = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(ylist, xlist, mat[:, xlist], kx=1, ky=1) xlist_miss = np.where(list_mask > 0.0)[0] if len(xlist_miss) > 0: x_mat_miss, y_mat = np.meshgrid(xlist_miss, ylist) output = finter.ev(np.ndarray.flatten(y_mat), np.ndarray.flatten(x_mat_miss)) mat[:, xlist_miss] = output.reshape(x_mat_miss.shape) return mat
[docs]def rectangular_from_polar(width_reg, height_reg, width_pol, height_pol): """ Generate coordinates of a rectangular grid from polar coordinates. Parameters ----------- width_reg : int Width of an image in the Cartesian coordinate system. height_reg : int Height of an image in the Cartesian coordinate system. width_pol : int Width of an image in the polar coordinate system. height_pol : int Height of an image in the polar coordinate system. Returns ------ x_mat : array_like 2D array. Broadcast of the x-coordinates. y_mat : array_like 2D array. Broadcast of the y-coordinates. """ xcenter = (width_reg - 1.0) * 0.5 ycenter = (height_reg - 1.0) * 0.5 r_max = np.floor(max(xcenter, ycenter)) r_list = np.linspace(0.0, r_max, width_pol) theta_list = np.arange(0.0, height_pol, 1.0) * 2 * np.pi / (height_pol - 1) r_mat, theta_mat = np.meshgrid(r_list, theta_list) x_mat = np.float32( np.clip(xcenter + r_mat * np.cos(theta_mat), 0, width_reg - 1)) y_mat = np.float32( np.clip(ycenter + r_mat * np.sin(theta_mat), 0, height_reg - 1)) return x_mat, y_mat
[docs]def polar_from_rectangular(width_pol, height_pol, width_reg, height_reg): """ Generate polar coordinates from grid coordinates. Parameters ----------- width_pol : int Width of an image in the polar coordinate system. height_pol : int Height of an image in the polar coordinate system. width_reg : int Width of an image in the Cartesian coordinate system. height_reg : int Height of an image in the Cartesian coordinate system. Returns ------ r_mat : array_like 2D array. Broadcast of the r-coordinates. theta_mat : array_like 2D array. Broadcast of the theta-coordinates. """ xcenter = (width_reg - 1.0) * 0.5 ycenter = (height_reg - 1.0) * 0.5 r_max = np.floor(max(xcenter, ycenter)) xlist = (np.flipud(np.arange(width_reg)) - xcenter) * width_pol / r_max ylist = (np.flipud(np.arange(height_reg)) - ycenter) * width_pol / r_max x_mat, y_mat = np.meshgrid(xlist, ylist) r_mat = np.float32( np.clip(np.sqrt(x_mat ** 2 + y_mat ** 2), 0, width_pol - 1)) theta_mat = np.float32(np.clip( (np.pi + np.arctan2(y_mat, x_mat)) * (height_pol - 1) / (2 * np.pi), 0, height_pol - 1)) return r_mat, theta_mat
[docs]def transform_slice_forward(mat, coord_mat=None): """ Transform a reconstructed image into polar coordinates. Parameters ---------- mat : array_like Square array. Reconstructed image. coord_mat : tuple of array_like, optional (Square array of x-coordinates , square array of y-coordinates) or generated if None. Returns ------- array_like Transformed image. """ (nrow, ncol) = mat.shape if nrow != ncol: raise ValueError("Height and width of the image is not the same!") if coord_mat is None: (x_mat, y_mat) = rectangular_from_polar(ncol, ncol, ncol, ncol) else: (x_mat, y_mat) = coord_mat if (x_mat.shape != mat.shape) or (y_mat.shape != mat.shape): raise ValueError("Shape of the coordinate array is not the same as" " the shape of the image!") return mapping(mat, x_mat, y_mat)
[docs]def transform_slice_backward(mat, coord_mat=None): """ Transform a reconstructed image in polar coordinates back to rectangular coordinates. Parameters ---------- mat : array_like Square array. Reconstructed image in polar coordinates. coord_mat : tuple of array_like, optional (Square array of r-coordinates , square array of theta-coordinates) or generated if None. Returns ------- array_like Transformed image. """ (nrow, ncol) = mat.shape if nrow != ncol: raise ValueError("Height and width of the image is not the same!") if coord_mat is None: (r_mat, theta_mat) = polar_from_rectangular(ncol, ncol, ncol, ncol) else: (r_mat, theta_mat) = coord_mat if (r_mat.shape != mat.shape) or (theta_mat.shape != mat.shape): raise ValueError("Shape of the coordinate array is not the same as" " the shape of the image!") return mapping(mat, r_mat, theta_mat)
[docs]def make_2d_gaussian_window(height, width, sigma_x, sigma_y): """ Create a 2D Gaussian window. Parameters ---------- height : int Height of the image. width : int Width of the image. sigma_x : int Sigma in the x-direction. sigma_y : int Sigma in the y-direction. Returns ------- array_like 2D array. """ xcenter = (width - 1.0) / 2.0 ycenter = (height - 1.0) / 2.0 y, x = np.ogrid[-ycenter:height - ycenter, -xcenter:width - xcenter] window = np.exp( -(x ** 2 / (2 * sigma_x ** 2) + y ** 2 / (2 * sigma_y ** 2))) return window
[docs]def apply_gaussian_filter(mat, sigma_x, sigma_y, pad=None, mode=None): """ Filtering an image in the Fourier domain using a 2D Gaussian window. Smaller is stronger. Parameters ---------- mat : array_like 2D array. sigma_x : int Sigma in the x-direction. sigma_y : int Sigma in the y-direction. pad : int or None Padding for the Fourier transform. mode : str, list of str, or tuple of str Padding method. One of options : 'reflect', 'edge', 'constant'. Full list is at: Returns ------- array_like 2D array. Filtered image. """ if mode is None: # Default for a sinogram image. mode1 = "edge" mode2 = "mean" else: if isinstance(mode, list) or isinstance(mode, tuple): mode1 = mode[0] mode2 = mode[1] else: mode1 = mode2 = mode if pad is None: pad = min(150, int(0.1 * min(mat.shape))) mat_pad = np.pad(mat, ((0, 0), (pad, pad)), mode=mode1) mat_pad = np.pad(mat_pad, ((pad, pad), (0, 0)), mode=mode2) (nrow, ncol) = mat_pad.shape window = make_2d_gaussian_window(nrow, ncol, sigma_x, sigma_y) xlist = np.arange(0, ncol) ylist = np.arange(0, nrow) x, y = np.meshgrid(xlist, ylist) mat_sign = np.power(-1.0, x + y) mat_filt = np.real( fft.ifft2(fft.fft2(mat_pad * mat_sign) * window) * mat_sign) return mat_filt[pad:nrow - pad, pad:ncol - pad]
[docs]def apply_1d_regularizer(list_data, sijmat): """ Supplementary method for the method of "apply_regularization_filter". To apply a regularizer to an 1D-array. """ ncol = len(list_data) list_grad = np.zeros(ncol, dtype=np.float32) list_grad[1:-1] = (-1) * np.diff(list_data, 2) list_grad[0] = list_data[0] - list_data[1] list_grad[-1] = list_data[-1] - list_data[-2] list_coe = np.sum(np.tile(list_grad, (ncol, 1)) * sijmat, axis=1) return list_data + list_coe
[docs]def apply_regularization_filter(mat, alpha, axis=1, ncore=None): """ Apply a regularization filter using the method in Ref. [1]. Note that it's computationally costly. Parameters ---------- mat : array_like 2D array alpha : float Regularization parameter, e.g. 0.001. Smaller is stronger. axis : int Axis along which to apply the filter. ncore: int or None Number of cpu-cores used for computing. Automatically selected if None. Returns ------- array_like 2D array. Smoothed image. References ---------- [1] : """ if ncore is None: ncore = np.clip(mp.cpu_count() - 1, 1, None) if axis == 0: mat = np.transpose(mat) (nrow, ncol) = mat.shape sijmat = calculate_regularization_coefficient(ncol, alpha) mat = np.asarray(Parallel(n_jobs=ncore, prefer="threads")( delayed(apply_1d_regularizer)(mat[i], sijmat) for i in range(nrow))) if axis == 0: mat = np.transpose(mat) return mat
[docs]def transform_1d_window_to_2d(win_1d, order=1, mode="reflect"): """ Transform a 1d-window to 2d-window. Useful for designing a Fourier filter. Parameters ---------- win_1d : array_like 1D array. order : int, optional The order of the spline interpolation, default is 1. The order has to be in the range 0-5. mode : {'reflect', 'constant', 'nearest', 'mirror', 'wrap'}, optional The mode parameter determines how the input array is extended beyond its boundaries. Default is 'reflect'. Returns -------- win_2d : array_like Square array, a 2D version of the 1d-window. """ width0 = len(win_1d) if width0 % 2 == 0: width = width0 + 1 else: width = width0 center = width // 2 xlist = (1.0 * np.flipud(np.arange(width)) - center) ylist = (1.0 * np.arange(width) - center) x_mat, y_mat = np.meshgrid(xlist, ylist) r_mat = np.float32(np.clip(np.sqrt(x_mat ** 2 + y_mat ** 2), 0, center)) theta_mat = np.arctan2(y_mat, x_mat) r_mat[theta_mat < 0] *= -1 r_mat = np.float32(np.clip(r_mat + center, 0, width - 1)) theta_mat = np.clip(np.float32(theta_mat * (width - 1.0) / np.pi), 0, width - 1) mat = np.tile(win_1d, (width, 1)) win_2d = mapping(mat, r_mat, theta_mat, order=order, mode=mode) return win_2d[0:width0, 0:width0]
[docs]def detect_sample(sinogram, sino_type="180"): """ To check if there is a sample in a sinogram using the "double-wedge" property of the Fourier transform of the sinogram (Ref. [1]). Parameters ---------- sinogram : array_like 2D array. Sinogram image sino_type : {"180", "360"} Sinogram type : 180-degree or 360-degree. Returns ------- bool True if there is a sample. References ---------- [1] : """ check = True if not (sino_type == "180" or sino_type == "360"): raise ValueError("!!! Use only one of two options: '180' or '360'!!!") if sino_type == "180": sinogram = 1.0 * np.vstack((sinogram, np.fliplr(sinogram))) sino_fft = np.abs(fft.fftshift(fft.fft2(sinogram))) (nrow, ncol) = sino_fft.shape ycenter = nrow // 2 xcenter = ncol // 2 radi = min(20, int(np.ceil(0.05 * min(ycenter, xcenter)))) sino_fft = sino_fft[:ycenter - radi, :xcenter - radi] size = min(30, int(np.ceil(0.02 * min(nrow, ncol)))) sino_smooth = ndi.gaussian_filter(sino_fft, size) (nrow1, _) = sino_smooth.shape row = int(0.8 * nrow1) list_check = np.zeros(nrow1 - row, dtype=np.float32) pos = np.argmax(sino_smooth[row]) for i in np.arange(row, nrow1): pos1 = np.argmax(sino_smooth[i]) if pos1 > pos: list_check[i - row] = 1.0 ratio = (np.sum(list_check) / len(list_check)) if ratio < 0.4: check = False return check
[docs]def fix_non_sample_areas(overlap_metadata, direction="horizontal"): """ Used to fix overlap values of grid-cells without sample by copying from its neighbours. Input is a 3d-array of overlapping values for each grid cell. For example, to a 5 x 3 (n_row x n_column) grid scans, the shape for overlapping values in the horizontal direction is: 5 x 2 (n_column - 1) x 2 (overlap, side). The shape for overlapping values in the vertical direction is: 4 (n_row - 1) x 3 x 2 (overlap, side). The order of calculating overlapping values in a grid is left-to-right, top-to-bottom. Parameters --------- overlap_metadata : array_like A matrix of overlap values of each grid-cell where each element is a list of [overlap, side]. direction : {"horizontal", "vertical"} Direction of overlapping calculation. Returns ------- metadata : array_like """ g_nrow, g_ncol = overlap_metadata.shape[:2] metadata = np.copy(overlap_metadata) if direction == "vertical": for i in np.arange(g_nrow): i1 = i - 1 i2 = i + 1 for j in np.arange(g_ncol): (area, _) = overlap_metadata[i, j] j1 = j - 1 j2 = j + 1 if area == 0: area1 = 0 if 0 <= j1 < g_ncol: (area1, side1) = overlap_metadata[i, j1] if area1 != 0: metadata[i, j] = np.asarray([area1, side1]) continue if 0 <= j2 < g_ncol: (area1, side1) = overlap_metadata[i, j2] if area1 != 0: metadata[i, j] = np.asarray([area1, side1]) continue if area1 == 0: if 0 <= i1 < g_nrow: (area1, side1) = overlap_metadata[i1, j] if area1 != 0: metadata[i, j] = np.asarray([area1, side1]) continue if 0 <= i2 < g_nrow: (area1, side1) = overlap_metadata[i2, j] if area1 != 0: metadata[i, j] = np.asarray([area1, side1]) continue # Run the same above routine but in reverse order. for i in np.arange(g_nrow - 1, -1, -1): i1 = i - 1 i2 = i + 1 for j in np.arange(g_ncol - 1, -1, -1): (area, _) = metadata[i, j] j1 = j - 1 j2 = j + 1 if area == 0: area1 = 0 if 0 <= j1 < g_ncol: (area1, side1) = metadata[i, j1] if area1 != 0: metadata[i, j] = np.asarray([area1, side1]) continue if 0 <= j2 < g_ncol: (area1, side1) = metadata[i, j2] if area1 != 0: metadata[i, j] = np.asarray([area1, side1]) continue if area1 == 0: if 0 <= i1 < g_nrow: (area1, side1) = metadata[i1, j] if area1 != 0: metadata[i, j] = np.asarray([area1, side1]) continue if 0 <= i2 < g_nrow: (area1, side1) = metadata[i2, j] if area1 != 0: metadata[i, j] = np.asarray([area1, side1]) continue else: for j in np.arange(g_ncol): j1 = j - 1 j2 = j + 1 for i in np.arange(g_nrow): (area, _) = overlap_metadata[i, j] i1 = i - 1 i2 = i + 1 if area == 0: area1 = 0 if 0 <= i1 < g_nrow: (area1, side1) = overlap_metadata[i1, j] if area1 != 0: metadata[i, j] = np.asarray([area1, side1]) continue if 0 <= i2 < g_nrow: (area1, side1) = overlap_metadata[i2, j] if area1 != 0: metadata[i, j] = np.asarray([area1, side1]) continue if area1 == 0: if 0 <= j1 < g_ncol: (area1, side1) = overlap_metadata[i, j1] if area1 != 0: metadata[i, j] = np.asarray([area1, side1]) continue if 0 <= j2 < g_ncol: (area1, side1) = overlap_metadata[i, j2] if area1 != 0: metadata[i, j] = np.asarray([area1, side1]) continue # Run the same above routine but in reverse order. for j in np.arange(g_ncol - 1, -1, -1): j1 = j - 1 j2 = j + 1 for i in np.arange(g_nrow - 1, -1, -1): (area, _) = metadata[i, j] i1 = i - 1 i2 = i + 1 if area == 0: area1 = 0 if 0 <= i1 < g_nrow: (area1, side1) = metadata[i1, j] if area1 != 0: metadata[i, j] = np.asarray([area1, side1]) continue if 0 <= i2 < g_nrow: (area1, side1) = metadata[i2, j] if area1 != 0: metadata[i, j] = np.asarray([area1, side1]) continue if area1 == 0: if 0 <= j1 < g_ncol: (area1, side1) = metadata[i, j1] if area1 != 0: metadata[i, j] = np.asarray([area1, side1]) continue if 0 <= j2 < g_ncol: (area1, side1) = metadata[i, j2] if area1 != 0: metadata[i, j] = np.asarray([area1, side1]) continue return metadata
[docs]def locate_slice(slice_idx, height, overlap_metadata): """ Locate slice indices in grid-rows given a slice index of the reconstruction data as a whole. Parameters ---------- slice_idx : int Slice index of full reconstruction data. height : int Height of a projection image of each grid-cell. overlap_metadata : array_like A matrix of overlap values of each grid-row where each element is a list of [overlap, side]. Used to stitch the grid-data along the row-direction. Returns ------- list of int and float If the slice is not in the overlapping area between two grid-rows, the result is a list of [grid_row_index, slice_index, weight_factor]. If the slice is in the overlapping area between two grid-rows, the result is a list of [[grid_row_index_0, slice_index_0, weight_factor_0], [grid_row_index_1, slice_index_1, weight_factor_1]] """ g_nrow = overlap_metadata.shape[0] + 1 side = overlap_metadata[0, 0, 1] overlap_list = overlap_metadata[:, 0, 0] if side == 1: list_slices = [(np.arange(i * height, i * height + height) - np.sum(overlap_list[0: i])) for i in range(g_nrow)] else: list_slices = [ (np.arange(i * height + height - 1, i * height - 1, -1) - np.sum(overlap_list[0: i])) for i in range(g_nrow)] list_slices = np.asarray(list_slices) results = [] for i, list1 in enumerate(list_slices): pos = np.squeeze(np.where(list1 == slice_idx)[0]) if pos.size == 1: results.append([i, pos, 1.0]) if len(results) == 2: if side == 1: results[0][2] = (1.0 * list_slices[results[0][0]][ -1] - slice_idx) / (overlap_list[results[0][0]] - 1.0) results[1][2] = (slice_idx - 1.0 * list_slices[results[1][0]][ 0]) / (overlap_list[results[0][0]] - 1.0) else: results[0][2] = (- slice_idx + 1.0 * list_slices[results[0][0]][ 0]) / (overlap_list[results[0][0]] - 1.0) results[1][2] = (-1.0 * list_slices[results[1][0]][ -1] + slice_idx) / (overlap_list[results[0][0]] - 1.0) return results
[docs]def locate_slice_chunk(slice_start, slice_stop, height, overlap_metadata): """ Locate slice indices in grid-rows given slice indices of the reconstruction data as a whole. Parameters ---------- slice_start : int Starting index of full reconstruction data. slice_stop : int Stopping index of full reconstruction data. height : int Height of a projection image of each grid-cell. overlap_metadata : array_like A matrix of overlap values of each grid-row where each element is a list of [overlap, side]. Used to stitch the grid-data along the row-direction. Returns ------- list of list of int and float List of results for each slice index. If a slice is not in the overlapping area between two grid-rows, the result is a list of [grid_row_index, slice_index, weight_factor]. If a slice is in the overlapping area between two grid-rows, the result is a list of [[grid_row_index_0, slice_index_0, weight_factor_0], [grid_row_index_1, slice_index_1, weight_factor_1]]. """ if slice_stop < slice_start: raise ValueError( "Stopping index must be larger than the starting index!!!") g_nrow = overlap_metadata.shape[0] + 1 side = overlap_metadata[0, 0, 1] overlap_list = overlap_metadata[:, 0, 0] if side == 1: list_slices = [(np.arange(i * height, i * height + height) - np.sum(overlap_list[0: i])) for i in range(g_nrow)] else: list_slices = [ (np.arange(i * height + height - 1, i * height - 1, -1) - np.sum(overlap_list[0: i])) for i in range(g_nrow)] list_slices = np.asarray(list_slices) results = [] for i, list1 in enumerate(list_slices): result1 = [] if side == 1: for slice_idx in range(slice_start, slice_stop): pos = np.squeeze(np.where(list1 == slice_idx)[0]) if pos.size == 1: fact = 1.0 if i == 0: ver_overlap = overlap_list[i] dis1 = len(list1) - pos - 1 if dis1 < ver_overlap: fact = dis1 / (ver_overlap - 1) elif i == (g_nrow - 1): ver_overlap = overlap_list[i - 1] if pos < ver_overlap: fact = pos / (ver_overlap - 1) else: ver_overlap1 = overlap_list[i] dis1 = len(list1) - pos - 1 if dis1 < ver_overlap1: fact = dis1 / (ver_overlap1 - 1) if pos < ver_overlap1: fact = pos / (ver_overlap1 - 1) ver_overlap2 = overlap_list[i - 1] dis1 = len(list1) - pos - 1 if dis1 < ver_overlap2: fact = dis1 / (ver_overlap2 - 1) if pos < ver_overlap2: fact = pos / (ver_overlap2 - 1) result1.append([i, pos, fact]) else: for slice_idx in range(slice_start, slice_stop): pos = np.squeeze(np.where(list1 == slice_idx)[0]) if pos.size == 1: fact = 1.0 if i == 0: ver_overlap = overlap_list[i] if pos < ver_overlap: fact = 1.0 * pos / (ver_overlap - 1) elif i == (g_nrow - 1): ver_overlap = overlap_list[i - 1] dis1 = len(list1) - pos - 1 if dis1 < ver_overlap: fact = 1.0 * dis1 / (ver_overlap - 1) else: ver_overlap1 = overlap_list[i] dis1 = len(list1) - pos - 1 if dis1 < ver_overlap1: fact = 1.0 * dis1 / (ver_overlap1 - 1) if pos < ver_overlap1: fact = 1.0 * pos / (ver_overlap1 - 1) ver_overlap2 = overlap_list[i - 1] dis1 = len(list1) - pos - 1 if dis1 < ver_overlap2: fact = 1.0 * dis1 / (ver_overlap2 - 1) if pos < ver_overlap2: fact = 1.0 * pos / (ver_overlap2 - 1) result1.append([i, pos, fact]) if len(result1) > 0: results.append(result1) return results
[docs]def generate_spiral_positions(step, num_pos, height, width, spiral_shape=1.0): """ Generate Fermat spiral positions. Unit is pixel. Parameters ---------- step : int Step size in pixel. ~ 20-> 40 num_pos : int Number of positions. height: int Height of the field of view (in pixel). width: int Width of the field of view (in pixel). spiral_shape : float, optional To define the spiral shape. Returns ------- array_like 2D array. List of (x,y) positions """ positions = [] phi = 2.0 * np.pi * ((1.0 + np.sqrt(5)) / 2) + spiral_shape * np.pi mid_hei = height // 2 mid_wid = width // 2 for i in range(num_pos): r = 1.0 * step * np.sqrt(i) x_pos = r * np.cos(i * phi) y_pos = r * np.sin(i * phi) if (np.abs(x_pos) > mid_wid) or (np.abs(y_pos) > mid_hei): msg = "Calculated position is out of the field of view. " \ "Please reduce the step!!!" raise ValueError(msg) positions.append([x_pos, y_pos]) return np.asarray(positions, dtype=np.float32)
[docs]def find_center_visual_sinograms(sino_180, output, start, stop, step=1, zoom=1.0, display=False): """ For visually finding the center-of-rotation (COR) using converted 360-degree sinograms from a 180-degree sinogram at different CORs (Ref. [1]). Parameters ---------- sino_180 : array_like 2D array. 180-degree sinogram. output : str Base folder for saving converted 360-degree sinograms. start : float Starting point for searching CoR. stop : float Ending point for searching CoR. step : float Searching step. zoom : float To resize output images. For example, 0.5 <=> reduce the size of output images by half. display : bool Print the output if True. Returns ------- str Folder path to tif images. References ---------- [1] : """ (nrow, ncol) = sino_180.shape output_name = losa.make_folder_name(output, name_prefix="Find_center", zero_prefix=3) output_base = output + "/" + output_name step = np.clip(step, 0.05, ncol - 1) start = np.clip(start, 0, ncol - 1) stop = np.clip(stop + step, start + step, ncol - 1) center_flip = (ncol - 1.0) / 2.0 sino_flip = np.fliplr(sino_180) for center in np.arange(start, stop, step): shift_col = 2.0 * (center - center_flip) sino_shift = ndi.shift(sino_flip, (0, shift_col), order=3, prefilter=False, mode="nearest") sino_360 = np.vstack((sino_180, sino_shift)) if zoom != 1.0: sino_360 = ndi.zoom(sino_360, zoom, mode="nearest") file_name = "/center_{0:6.2f}".format(center) + ".tif" losa.save_image(output_base + file_name, sino_360) if display: print("Done: {}".format(output_base + file_name)) return output_base
[docs]def find_center_visual_slices(*args, **kwargs): msg = "!!!'find_center_visual_slices' has been moved to the " \ "'reconstruction' module. Please update your import to use " \ "'reconstruction.find_center_visual_slices'.!!!" raise ImportError(msg)