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# Author: Nghia T. Vo
# E-mail:
# Description: Calibration methods
# Contributors:
# ============================================================================
Module of calibration methods:
- Correcting the non-uniform background of an image.
- Binarizing an image.
- Calculating the distance between two point-like objects segmented from
two images. Useful for determining pixel-size in helical scans.
- Find the tilt and roll of a parallel-beam tomography system given
coordinates of a point-like object scanned in the range of
[0, 360] degrees.
import warnings
import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage as ndi
import algotom.util.utility as util
import scipy.signal as sig
[docs]def normalize_background(mat, size=51):
Correct a non-uniform background of an image using the median filter.
mat : array_like
2D array.
size : int
Size of the median filter.
2D array. Corrected image.
mat_bck = ndi.median_filter(mat, size, mode="reflect")
mean_val = np.mean(mat_bck)
if 0.0 in mat_bck:
mat_bck[mat_bck == 0.0] = mean_val
mat_cor = mean_val * mat / mat_bck
return mat_cor
[docs]def normalize_background_based_fft(mat, sigma=5, pad=None, mode="reflect"):
Correct a non-uniform background of an image using a Fourier Gaussian
mat : array_like
2D array.
sigma : int
Sigma of the Gaussian.
pad : int
Padding for the Fourier transform.
mode : str, list of str, or tuple of str
Padding method. One of options : 'reflect', 'edge', 'constant'. Full
list is at:
2D array. Corrected image.
(height, width) = mat.shape
if height <= width:
ratio = 1.0 * height / width
sigma_x = int(np.ceil(sigma / ratio))
sigma_y = sigma
ratio = 1.0 * width / height
sigma_y = int(np.ceil(sigma / ratio))
sigma_x = sigma
mat_bck = util.apply_gaussian_filter(mat, sigma_x, sigma_y,
pad=pad, mode=mode)
mean_val = np.mean(mat_bck)
if 0.0 in mat_bck:
mat_bck[mat_bck == 0.0] = mean_val
mat_cor = mean_val * mat / mat_bck
return mat_cor
[docs]def invert_dot_contrast(mat):
Invert the contrast of a 2D binary array to make sure that a dot is white.
mat : array_like
2D binary array.
2D array.
(height, width) = mat.shape
ratio = np.sum(mat) / (height * width)
max_val = np.max(mat)
if ratio > 0.5:
mat = max_val - mat
return mat
[docs]def calculate_threshold(mat, bgr="bright"):
Calculate threshold value based on Algorithm 4 in Ref. [1].
mat : array_like
2D array.
bgr : {"bright", "dark"}
To indicate the brightness of the background against image features.
Threshold value.
[1] : https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.26.028396
size = max(mat.shape)
list1 = np.sort(np.ndarray.flatten(mat))
list1 = ndi.zoom(list1, (1.0 * size) / len(list1), mode='nearest')
list2 = sig.savgol_filter(list1, 2 * (len(list1) // 2) - 1, 3)
if bgr == "bright":
threshold = list2[0]
threshold = list2[-1]
return threshold
[docs]def binarize_image(mat, threshold=None, bgr="bright", norm=False, denoise=True,
Binarize an image.
mat : array_like
2D array.
threshold : float, optional
Threshold value for binarization. Automatically calculated using
Algorithm 4 in Ref. [1] if None.
bgr : {"bright", "dark"}
To indicate the brightness of the background against image features.
norm : bool, optional
Apply normalization if True.
denoise : bool, optional
Apply denoising if True.
invert : bool, optional
Invert the contrast if needed.
2D binary array.
[1] : https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.26.028396
if denoise is True:
mat = ndi.median_filter(np.abs(mat), (3, 3))
if norm is True:
mat = normalize_background_based_fft(mat)
if threshold is None:
threshold = calculate_threshold(mat, bgr)
num_min = np.min(mat)
num_max = np.max(mat)
if threshold < num_min or threshold > num_max:
raise ValueError("Selected threshold value is out of the range of"
" [{0}, {1}]".format(num_min, num_max))
mat = np.asarray(mat > threshold, dtype=np.float32)
if invert is True:
mat = invert_dot_contrast(mat)
mat = np.int16(ndi.binary_fill_holes(mat))
return mat
[docs]def get_dot_size(mat, size_opt="max"):
Get size of binary dots given the option.
mat : array_like
2D binary array.
size_opt : {"max", "min", "median", "mean"}
Select options.
dot_size : float
Size of the dot.
mat = np.int16(mat)
mat_label, num_dots = ndi.label(mat)
list_index = np.arange(1, num_dots + 1)
list_sum = ndi.sum(mat, labels=mat_label, index=list_index)
if size_opt == "median":
dot_size = np.median(list_sum)
elif size_opt == "mean":
dot_size = np.mean(list_sum)
elif size_opt == "min":
dot_size = np.min(list_sum)
dot_size = np.max(list_sum)
return dot_size
[docs]def check_dot_size(mat, min_size, max_size):
Check if the size of a dot is in a range.
mat : array_like
2D array.
min_size : float
Minimum size.
max_size : float
Maximum size.
check = False
dot_size = mat.sum()
if (dot_size >= min_size) and (dot_size <= max_size):
check = True
return check
[docs]def select_dot_based_size(mat, dot_size, ratio=0.01):
Select dots having a certain size.
mat : array_like
2D array.
dot_size : float
Size of the standard dot.
ratio : float
Used to calculate the acceptable range.
[dot_size - ratio*dot_size; dot_size + ratio*dot_size]
2D array. Selected dots.
mat = np.int16(mat)
min_size = np.clip(np.int32(dot_size - ratio * dot_size), 1, None)
max_size = np.clip(np.int32(dot_size + ratio * dot_size), 1, None)
mat_label, _ = ndi.label(mat)
list_dots = ndi.find_objects(mat_label)
dots_selected = [dot for dot in list_dots
if check_dot_size(mat[dot], min_size, max_size)]
mat1 = np.zeros_like(mat)
for _, j in enumerate(dots_selected):
mat1[j] = mat[j]
return mat1
[docs]def calculate_distance(mat1, mat2, size_opt="max", threshold=None,
bgr='bright', norm=False, denoise=True, invert=True):
Calculate the distance between two point-like objects segmented from
two images. Useful for measuring pixel-size in helical scans (Ref. [1]).
mat1 : array_like
2D array.
mat2 : array_like
2D array.
size_opt : {"max", "min", "median", "mean"}
Options to select binary objects based on their size.
threshold : float, optional
Threshold value for binarization. Automatically calculated using
Algorithm 4 in Ref. [2] if None.
bgr : {"bright", "dark"}
To indicate the brightness of the background against image features.
norm : bool, optional
Apply normalization if True.
denoise : bool, optional
Apply denoising if True.
invert : bool, optional
Invert the contrast if needed.
[1] : https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.418448
[2] : https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.26.028396
mat_bin1 = binarize_image(mat1, threshold=threshold, bgr=bgr, norm=norm,
denoise=denoise, invert=invert)
dot_size1 = get_dot_size(mat_bin1, size_opt=size_opt)
mat_bin1 = select_dot_based_size(mat_bin1, dot_size1)
mat_bin2 = binarize_image(mat2, bgr=bgr, norm=norm, threshold=threshold,
denoise=denoise, invert=invert)
dot_size2 = get_dot_size(mat_bin2, size_opt=size_opt)
mat_bin2 = select_dot_based_size(mat_bin2, dot_size2)
com1 = ndi.center_of_mass(mat_bin1)
com2 = ndi.center_of_mass(mat_bin2)
distance = np.sqrt((com1[0] - com2[0]) ** 2 + (com1[1] - com2[1]) ** 2)
return distance
[docs]def fit_points_to_ellipse(x, y):
Fit an ellipse to a set of points.
x : ndarray
x-coordinates of the points.
y : ndarray
y-coordinates of the points.
roll_angle : float
Rotation angle of the ellipse in degree.
a_major : float
Length of the major axis.
b_minor : float
Length of the minor axis.
xc : float
x-coordinate of the ellipse center.
yc : float
y-coordinate of the ellipse center.
if len(x) != len(y):
raise ValueError("x and y must have the same length!!!")
A = np.array([x**2, x*y, y**2, x, y, np.ones_like(x)]).T
vh = np.linalg.svd(A, full_matrices=False)[-1]
a0, b0, c0, d0, e0, f0 = vh.T[:, -1]
denom = b0 ** 2 - 4 * a0 * c0
msg = "Can't fit to an ellipse!!!"
if denom == 0:
raise ValueError(msg)
xc = (2 * c0 * d0 - b0 * e0) / denom
yc = (2 * a0 * e0 - b0 * d0) / denom
roll_angle = np.rad2deg(
np.arctan2(c0 - a0 - np.sqrt((a0 - c0) ** 2 + b0 ** 2), b0))
if roll_angle > 90.0:
roll_angle = - (180 - roll_angle)
if roll_angle < -90.0:
roll_angle = (180 + roll_angle)
a_term = 2 * (a0 * e0 ** 2 + c0 * d0 ** 2 -
b0 * d0 * e0 + denom * f0) * (
a0 + c0 + np.sqrt((a0 - c0) ** 2 + b0 ** 2))
if a_term < 0.0:
raise ValueError(msg)
a_major = -2 * np.sqrt(a_term) / denom
b_term = 2 * (a0 * e0 ** 2 + c0 * d0 ** 2 -
b0 * d0 * e0 + denom * f0) * (
a0 + c0 - np.sqrt((a0 - c0) ** 2 + b0 ** 2))
if b_term < 0.0:
raise ValueError(msg)
b_minor = -2 * np.sqrt(b_term) / denom
if a_major < b_minor:
a_major, b_minor = b_minor, a_major
if roll_angle < 0.0:
roll_angle = 90 + roll_angle
roll_angle = -90 + roll_angle
return roll_angle, a_major, b_minor, xc, yc
[docs]def find_tilt_roll_based_linear_fit(x, y):
Find the tilt and roll of a parallel-beam tomography system given
coordinates of a point-like object scanned in the range of
[0, 360] degrees. Uses a linear-fit-based approach [1].
x : ndarray
x-coordinates of the points.
y : ndarray
y-coordinates of the points.
tilt : float
Tilt angle in degree.
roll : float
Roll angle in degree.
[1] : https://doi.org/10.1098/rsta.2014.0398
(a, b) = np.polyfit(x, y, 1)[:2]
dist_list = np.abs(a * x - y + b) / np.sqrt(a ** 2 + 1)
appr_major = np.max(np.asarray([np.sqrt((x[i] - x[j]) ** 2 +
(y[i] - y[j]) ** 2)
for i in range(len(x))
for j in range(i + 1, len(x))]))
dist_list = ndi.gaussian_filter1d(dist_list, 2)
appr_minor = 2.0 * np.max(dist_list)
tilt_angle = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(appr_minor, appr_major))
roll_angle = np.rad2deg(np.arctan(a))
return tilt_angle, roll_angle
[docs]def find_tilt_roll_based_ellipse_fit(x, y):
Find the tilt and roll of a parallel-beam tomography system given
coordinates of a point-like object scanned in the range of
[0, 360] degrees. Uses an ellipse-fit-based approach.
x : ndarray
x-coordinates of the points.
y : ndarray
y-coordinates of the points.
tilt : float
Tilt angle in degree.
roll : float
Roll angle in degree.
result = fit_points_to_ellipse(x, y)
roll_angle, major_axis, minor_axis = result[:3]
tilt_angle = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(minor_axis, major_axis))
return tilt_angle, roll_angle
except ValueError:
return None, None
[docs]def find_tilt_roll(x, y, method="ellipse"):
Find the tilt and roll of a parallel-beam tomography system given
coordinates of a point-like object scanned in the range of
[0, 360] degrees.
x : ndarray
x-coordinates of the points.
y : ndarray
y-coordinates of the points.
method : {"linear", "ellipse"}
Method for finding tilt and roll.
tilt : float
Tilt angle in degree.
roll : float
Roll angle in degree.
if len(x) != len(y):
raise ValueError("Length of inputs must be the same!!!")
if not (method == "linear" or method == "ellipse"):
raise ValueError("Only select one of 2 options: 'linear', 'ellipse'")
if method == "linear":
tilt, roll = find_tilt_roll_based_linear_fit(x, y)
(a, b) = np.polyfit(x, y, 1)[:2]
dist_list = np.abs(a * x - y + b) / np.sqrt(a ** 2 + 1)
dist_list = ndi.gaussian_filter1d(dist_list, 2)
msg = "Can't fit to an ellipse, use the linear-fit method instead!!!"
if np.max(dist_list) < 1.0:
tilt, roll = find_tilt_roll_based_linear_fit(x, y)
tilt, roll = find_tilt_roll_based_ellipse_fit(x, y)
if tilt is None:
tilt, roll = find_tilt_roll_based_linear_fit(x, y)
return tilt, roll