Source code for algotom.prep.filtering

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# Copyright (c) 2021 Nghia T. Vo. All rights reserved.
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# Author: Nghia T. Vo
# E-mail:  
# Description: Python module of filtering techniques.
# Contributors:
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Module of filtering methods in the preprocessing stage:

    -   Fresnel filter (denoising or low-pass filter), a simplified version of
        the well-known Paganin's filter.
    -   Double-wedge filter.

import numpy as np
import numpy.fft as fft
import algotom.prep.conversion as conv

[docs]def make_fresnel_window(height, width, ratio, dim): """ Create a low pass window based on the Fresnel propagator. It is used to denoise a projection image (dim=2) or a sinogram image (dim=1). Parameters ---------- height : int Image height width : int Image width ratio : float To define the shape of the window. dim : {1, 2} Use "1" if working on a sinogram image and "2" if working on a projection image. Returns ------- array_like 2D array. """ ycenter = int(np.ceil((height - 1) * 0.5)) xcenter = int(np.ceil((width - 1) * 0.5)) if dim == 2: ulist = (1.0 * np.arange(0, width) - xcenter) / width vlist = (1.0 * np.arange(0, height) - ycenter) / height u, v = np.meshgrid(ulist, vlist) window = 1.0 + ratio * (u ** 2 + v ** 2) else: ulist = (1.0 * np.arange(0, width) - xcenter) / width win1d = 1.0 + ratio * ulist ** 2 window = np.tile(win1d, (height, 1)) return window
[docs]def fresnel_filter(mat, ratio, dim=1, window=None, pad=150, apply_log=True): """ Apply a low-pass filter based on the Fresnel propagator to an image (Ref. [1]). It can be used for improving the contrast of an image. It's simpler than the well-known Paganin's filter (Ref. [2]). Parameters ---------- mat : array_like 2D array. Projection image or sinogram image. ratio : float Define the shape of the window. Larger is more smoothing. dim : {1, 2} Use "1" if working on a sinogram image and "2" if working on a projection image. window : array_like, optional Window for deconvolution. pad : int Padding width. apply_log : bool, optional Apply the logarithm function to the sinogram before filtering. Returns ------- array_like 2D array. Filtered image. References ---------- [1] : [2] : """ if apply_log: mat = -np.log(mat) (nrow, ncol) = mat.shape if dim == 2: if window is None: window = make_fresnel_window(nrow, ncol, ratio, dim) mat_pad = np.pad(mat, pad, mode="edge") win_pad = np.pad(window, pad, mode="edge") mat_dec = fft.ifft2(fft.fft2(mat_pad) / fft.ifftshift(win_pad)) mat_dec = np.real(mat_dec[pad:pad + nrow, pad:pad + ncol]) else: if window is None: window = make_fresnel_window(nrow, ncol, ratio, dim) mat_pad = np.pad(mat, ((0, 0), (pad, pad)), mode='edge') win_pad = np.pad(window, ((0, 0), (pad, pad)), mode="edge") mat_fft = np.fft.fftshift(fft.fft(mat_pad), axes=1) / win_pad mat_dec = fft.ifft(np.fft.ifftshift(mat_fft, axes=1)) mat_dec = np.real(mat_dec[:, pad:pad + ncol]) if apply_log: mat_dec = np.exp(-mat_dec) return np.float32(mat_dec)
[docs]def make_double_wedge_mask(height, width, radius): """ Generate a double-wedge binary mask using Eq. (3) in Ref. [1]. Values outside the double-wedge region correspond to 0.0. Parameters ---------- height : int Image height. width : int Image width. radius : int Radius of an object, in pixel unit. Returns ------- array_like 2D binary mask. References ---------- [1] : """ du = 1.0 / width dv = (height - 1.0) / (height * 2.0 * np.pi) ndrop = 1 ycenter = np.int16(np.ceil((height - 1) / 2.0)) xcenter = np.int16(np.ceil((width - 1) / 2.0)) mask = np.ones((height, width), dtype=np.float32) for i in range(height): num = np.int16(np.ceil(((i - ycenter) * dv / radius) / du)) (p1, p2) = np.int16(np.clip( np.sort((-num + xcenter, num + xcenter)), 0, width - 1)) mask[i, p1:p2 + 1] = 0.0 mask[ycenter - ndrop:ycenter + ndrop + 1, :] = 1.0 return mask
[docs]def double_wedge_filter(sinogram, center=0, sino_type="180", iteration=5, mask=None, ratio=1.0, pad=250): """ Apply double-wedge filter to a sinogram image (Ref. [1]). Parameters ---------- sinogram : array_like 2D array. 180-degree sinogram or 360-degree sinogram. center : float, optional Center-of-rotation. No need for a 360-sinogram. sino_type : {"180", "360"} Sinogram type : 180-degree or 360-degree. iteration : int Number of iteration. mask : array_like, optional Double-wedge binary mask. ratio : float, optional Define the cut-off angle of the double-wedge filter. pad : int Padding width. Returns ------- array_like 2D array. Filtered sinogram. References ---------- [1] : """ if not (sino_type == "180" or sino_type == "360"): raise ValueError("!!! Use only one of two options: '180' or '360'!!!") if sino_type == "180": nrow0 = sinogram.shape[0] if center == 0: raise ValueError( "Please provide the location of the rotation axis") sinogram = conv.convert_sinogram_180_to_360(sinogram, center) (nrow, ncol) = sinogram.shape ncol_pad = ncol + 2 * pad if mask is None: mask = make_double_wedge_mask(nrow, ncol_pad, ratio * ncol / 2.0) else: if mask.shape != (nrow, ncol_pad): raise ValueError( "Shape of the left-right padded sinogram {0} and the mask " "{1} is not the same!!!".format((nrow, ncol_pad), mask.shape)) sino_filt = np.copy(sinogram) for i in range(iteration): sino_filt = np.pad(sino_filt, ((0, 0), (pad, pad)), mode="edge") sino_filt = np.real(fft.ifft2( fft.ifftshift(fft.fftshift(fft.fft2(sino_filt)) * mask))) sino_filt = sino_filt[:, pad:ncol + pad] if sino_type == "180": sino_filt = sino_filt[:nrow0] return sino_filt