Source code for

# ============================================================================
# ============================================================================
# Copyright (c) 2021 Nghia T. Vo. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
# Author: Nghia T. Vo
# E-mail:  
# Description: Python module for postprocessing techniques.
# Contributors:
# ============================================================================

Module of methods in the postprocessing stage:

    -   Get statistical information of reconstructed images or a dataset.
    -   Downsample 2D, 3D array, or a dataset.
    -   Rescale 2D, 3D array or a dataset to 8-bit or 16-bit data-type.
    -   Reslice 3D array or a dataset (hdf/nxs file or tif images).
    -   Removing ring artifacts in a reconstructed image by transform back and
        forth between the polar coordinates and the Cartesian coordinates.

import os
import sys
import shutil
import timeit
import glob
import h5py
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import scipy.ndimage as ndi
import algotom.util.utility as util
import as losa
import algotom.prep.removal as remo

def __get_input_type(input_):
    Supplementary method: to get input type
    in_type = None
    if isinstance(input_, np.ndarray):
        in_type = "numpy_array"
        if isinstance(input_, str):
            file_ext = os.path.splitext(input_)[-1]
            if file_ext == "":
                list_file = losa.find_file(input_ + "/*.tif*")
                if list_file:
                    in_type = "tif"
                    raise ValueError(
                        "No tif files in the folder: {}".format(input_))
                if (file_ext == '.hdf' or file_ext == '.h5'
                        or file_ext == ".nxs"):
                    in_type = "hdf"
    return in_type

def __get_output_type(output):
    Supplementary method: to get output type
    out_type = None
    if isinstance(output, str):
        file_ext = os.path.splitext(output)[-1]
        if file_ext == "":
            out_type = "tif"
            if (file_ext == '.hdf' or file_ext == '.h5'
                    or file_ext == ".nxs"):
                out_type = "hdf"
                raise ValueError("File format must be hdf/h5/nxs !!!")
    return out_type

def __check_output(output):
    Supplementary method: to check if output folder/file exists
    msg = "File/folder exists!!! Choose another path or set `overwrite=True`"
    if isinstance(output, str):
        file_base, file_ext = os.path.splitext(output)
        if file_ext == "":
            if os.path.exists(file_base):
                raise ValueError(msg)
            if os.path.isfile(output):
                raise ValueError(msg)

def __get_shape(input_, key_path=None):
    Supplementary method: to get the shape of a 3D data which can be given as
    a folder of tif files, a hdf file-path, or a 3D array.
    in_type = __get_input_type(input_)
    if in_type == "numpy_array":
        (depth, height, width) = input_.shape
    elif in_type == "tif":
        list_file = losa.find_file(input_ + "/*.tif*")
        depth = len(list_file)
        (height, width) = np.shape(losa.load_image(list_file[0]))
    elif in_type == "hdf":
        if key_path is None:
            raise ValueError("Please provide the key path to the dataset!!!")
            hdf_object = h5py.File(input_, 'r')
            check = key_path in hdf_object
            if not check:
                raise ValueError("!!! Wrong key !!!")
            data = hdf_object[key_path]
            (depth, height, width) = data.shape
        raise ValueError("Input must be a folder-path to tif files, a hdf "
                         "file-path, or a numpy array!!!")
    return depth, height, width

def __get_cropped_shape(input_, crop, key_path=None):
    Supplementary method: to get the cropped information of a 3D data which
    can be given as a folder of tif files, a hdf file-path, or a 3D array.
    if len(crop) != 6:
        raise ValueError("Crop must be a tuple/list with the length of 6")
    (cr_d1, cr_d2, cr_h1, cr_h2, cr_w1, cr_w2) = crop
    (depth, height, width) = __get_shape(input_, key_path=key_path)
    d1, d2 = cr_d1, depth - cr_d2
    depth1 = d2 - d1
    h1, h2 = cr_h1, height - cr_h2
    w1, w2 = cr_w1, width - cr_w2
    height1, width1 = h2 - h1, w2 - w1
    if (depth1 <= 0) or (height1 <= 0) or (width1 <= 0):
        raise ValueError("Check crop parameters!!! Can't crop the data having"
                         " shape: {}".format((depth, height, width)))
    return (d1, d2, h1, h2, w1, w2), (depth1, height1, width1)

def __get_dataset_size(input_):
    To get the size of 3D array, folder of tif files, or a hdf file in MB.
    in_type = __get_input_type(input_)
    b_unit = 1024.0 * 1024.0
    if in_type == "numpy_array":
        size_in_MB = input_.nbytes / b_unit
    elif in_type == "hdf":
        size_in_MB = os.path.getsize(input_) / b_unit
        list_file = losa.find_file(input_ + "/*.tif*")
        if list_file:
            size_1_file = np.asarray([0])).nbytes / b_unit
            size_1_file = 0.0
        size_in_MB = len(list_file) * size_1_file
    return size_in_MB

[docs]def get_statistical_information(mat, percentile=(0, 100), denoise=False): """ Get statistical information of an image. Parameters ---------- mat : array_like 2D array. Projection image, sinogram image, or reconstructed image. percentile : tuple of floats Tuple of (min_percentile, max_percentile) to compute. Must be between 0 and 100 inclusive. denoise: bool, optional Enable/disable denoising before extracting statistical information. Returns ------- gmin : float The minimum value of the data array. gmax : float The maximum value of the data array. min_percent : float The first computed percentile of the data array. max_percent : tuple of floats The last computed percentile of the data array. mean : float The mean of the data array. median : float The median of the data array. variance : float The variance of the data array. """ if denoise is True: mat = ndi.gaussian_filter(mat, 2) gmin = np.min(mat) gmax = np.max(mat) min_percent = np.percentile(mat, percentile[0]) max_percent = np.percentile(mat, percentile[-1]) median = np.median(mat) mean = np.mean(mat) variance = np.var(mat) return gmin, gmax, min_percent, max_percent, mean, median, variance
[docs]def get_statistical_information_dataset(input_, percentile=(0, 100), skip=5, denoise=False, key_path=None, crop=(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)): """ Get statical information of a dataset. This can be a folder of tif files, a hdf file, or a 3D array. Parameters ---------- input_ : str, hdf file, or array_like It can be a folder path to tif files, a hdf file, or a 3D array. percentile : tuple of floats Tuple of (min_percentile, max_percentile) to compute. Must be between 0 and 100 inclusive. skip : int Skipping step of reading input. denoise: bool, optional Enable/disable denoising before extracting statistical information. key_path : str, optional Key path to the dataset if input is a hdf file. crop : tuple of int, optional Crop 3D data from the edges, i.e. crop = (crop_depth1, crop_depth2, crop_height1, crop_height2, crop_width1, crop_width2). Returns ------- gmin : float The global minimum value of the data array. gmax : float The global maximum value of the data array. min_percent : float The global min of the first computed percentile of the data array. max_percent : tuple of floats The global min of the last computed percentile of the data array. mean : float The mean of the data array. median : float The median of the data array. variance : float The mean of the variance of the data array. """ results = __get_cropped_shape(input_, crop=crop, key_path=key_path) (d1, d2, h1, h2, w1, w2) = results[0] depth1 = results[1][0] skip = int(np.clip(skip, 1, depth1 - 1)) in_type = __get_input_type(input_) f_alias = get_statistical_information if in_type == "tif": list_file = losa.find_file(input_ + "/*.tif*") list_stat = [] for i in range(d1, d2, skip): mat = losa.load_image(list_file[i])[h1:h2, w1:w2] if denoise is True: mat = ndi.gaussian_filter(mat, 2) list_stat.append(f_alias(mat, percentile, denoise)) elif in_type == "hdf": data = losa.load_hdf(input_, key_path) list_stat = [] for i in range(d1, d2, skip): mat = data[i, h1:h2, w1:w2] if denoise is True: mat = ndi.gaussian_filter(mat, 2) list_stat.append(f_alias(mat, percentile, denoise)) else: list_stat = [] for i in range(d1, d2, skip): mat = input_[i, h1:h2, w1:w2] if denoise is True: mat = ndi.gaussian_filter(mat, 2) list_stat.append(f_alias(mat, percentile, denoise)) list_stat = np.asarray(list_stat) gmin, gmax = np.min(list_stat[:, 0]), np.max(list_stat[:, 1]) min_percent, max_percent = np.min(list_stat[:, 2]), np.max(list_stat[:, 3]) median, mean = np.median(list_stat[:, 4]), np.mean(list_stat[:, 5]) variance = np.mean(list_stat[:, 6]) return gmin, gmax, min_percent, max_percent, mean, median, variance
[docs]def downsample(mat, cell_size, method="mean"): """ Downsample an image. Parameters ---------- mat : array_like 2D array. cell_size : int or tuple of int Window size along axes used for grouping pixels. method : {"mean", "median", "max", "min"} Downsampling method. Returns ------- array_like Downsampled image. """ if method == "median": dsp_method = np.median elif method == "max": dsp_method = np.max elif method == "min": dsp_method = np.amin else: dsp_method = np.mean (height, width) = mat.shape if isinstance(cell_size, int): cell_size = (cell_size, cell_size) height_dsp = height // cell_size[0] width_dsp = width // cell_size[1] mat = mat[:height_dsp * cell_size[0], :width_dsp * cell_size[1]] mat_dsp = mat.reshape( height_dsp, cell_size[0], width_dsp, cell_size[1]) mat_dsp = dsp_method(dsp_method(mat_dsp, axis=-1), axis=1) return mat_dsp
[docs]def rescale(mat, nbit=16, minmax=None): """ Rescale a 32-bit array to 16-bit/8-bit data. Parameters ---------- mat : array_like nbit : {8,16} Rescaled data-type: 8-bit or 16-bit. minmax : tuple of float, or None Minimum and maximum values used for rescaling. Returns ------- array_like Rescaled array. """ if nbit != 8 and nbit != 16: raise ValueError("Only two options for nbit: 8 or 16 !!!") if minmax is None: gmin, gmax = np.min(mat), np.max(mat) else: (gmin, gmax) = minmax mat = np.clip(mat, gmin, gmax) mat = (mat - gmin) / (gmax - gmin) if nbit == 8: mat = np.uint8(np.clip(mat * 255, 0, 255)) else: mat = np.uint16(np.clip(mat * 65535, 0, 65535)) return mat
[docs]def downsample_dataset(input_, output, cell_size, method="mean", key_path=None, rescaling=False, nbit=16, minmax=None, skip=None, crop=(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), overwrite=False): """ Downsample a dataset. Input can be a folder of tif files, a hdf file, or a 3D array. Parameters ---------- input_ : str, array_like It can be a folder path to tif files, a hdf file, or a 3D array. output : str, None It can be a folder path, a hdf file path, or None (memory consuming). cell_size : int or tuple of int Window size along axes used for grouping pixels. method : {"mean", "median", "max", "min"} Downsampling method. key_path : str, optional Key path to the dataset if the input is a hdf file. rescaling : bool Rescale dataset if True. nbit : {8,16} If rescaling is True, select data-type: 8-bit or 16-bit. minmax : tuple of float, or None Minimum and maximum values used for rescaling if True. skip : int or None Skipping step of images used for getting statistical information if rescaling is True and input is 32-bit data. crop : tuple of int, optional Crop 3D data from the edges, i.e. crop = (crop_depth1, crop_depth2, crop_height1, crop_height2, crop_width1, crop_width2). overwrite : bool Overwrite an existing file/folder if True. Returns ------- array_like or None If output is None, returning a 3D array. """ if not overwrite: __check_output(output) results = __get_cropped_shape(input_, crop=crop, key_path=key_path) (d1, d2, h1, h2, w1, w2) = results[0] (depth1, height1, width1) = results[1] if method == "median": dsp_method = np.median elif method == "max": dsp_method = np.amax elif method == "min": dsp_method = np.amin else: dsp_method = np.mean if isinstance(cell_size, int): cell_size = (cell_size, cell_size, cell_size) depth_dsp = depth1 // cell_size[0] height_dsp = height1 // cell_size[1] width_dsp = width1 // cell_size[2] if (depth_dsp == 0) or (height_dsp == 0) or (width_dsp == 0): raise ValueError("Incorrect cell size {}".format(cell_size)) in_type = __get_input_type(input_) if in_type == "tif": data = losa.find_file(input_ + "/*.tif*") data_type = np.asarray([0])).dtype elif in_type == "hdf": data = losa.load_hdf(input_, key_path) data_type = data.dtype else: data = input_ data_type = data.dtype res_type = str(data_type) if rescaling is True: if nbit == 16: res_type = "uint16" elif nbit == 8: res_type = "uint8" else: raise ValueError("Only two options for nbit: 8 or 16 !!!") if str(data_type) != res_type: if data_type == np.uint8: minmax = (0, 255) elif data_type == np.uint16: minmax = (0, 65535) else: if skip is None: skip = int(np.clip(np.ceil(0.15 * depth1), 1, depth1 - 1)) if minmax is None: f_alias = get_statistical_information_dataset minmax = f_alias(input_, percentile=(0, 100), skip=skip, crop=crop, key_path=key_path)[0:2] else: rescaling = False out_type = __get_output_type(output) if out_type == "hdf": data_dsp = losa.open_hdf_stream( output, (depth_dsp, height_dsp, width_dsp), data_type=res_type, key_path="entry/data", overwrite=True) elif out_type is None: data_dsp = [] else: data_dsp = None num = 0 for i in range(d1, d2, cell_size[0]): if (i + cell_size[0]) > (d1 + depth1): break else: if in_type == "tif": mat = np.asarray([losa.load_image(data[j])[h1:h2, w1:w2] for j in range(i, i + cell_size[0])]) mat = mat[:, :height_dsp * cell_size[1], :width_dsp * cell_size[2]] mat = mat.reshape(1, cell_size[0], height_dsp, cell_size[1], width_dsp, cell_size[2]) mat_dsp = dsp_method( dsp_method(dsp_method(mat, axis=-1), axis=1), axis=2)[0] else: mat = data[i:i + cell_size[0], h1:h1 + height_dsp * cell_size[1], w1:w1 + width_dsp * cell_size[2]] mat = mat.reshape(1, cell_size[0], height_dsp, cell_size[1], width_dsp, cell_size[2]) mat_dsp = dsp_method(dsp_method( dsp_method(mat, axis=-1), axis=1), axis=2)[0] if rescaling: mat_dsp = rescale(mat_dsp, nbit, minmax) if out_type is None: data_dsp.append(mat_dsp) elif out_type == "hdf": data_dsp[num] = mat_dsp.astype(res_type) else: out_name = "0000" + str(num) losa.save_image(output + "/img_" + out_name[-5:] + ".tif", mat_dsp.astype(res_type)) num += 1 if out_type is None: data_dsp = np.asarray(data_dsp).astype(res_type) return data_dsp
[docs]def rescale_dataset(input_, output, nbit=16, minmax=None, skip=None, key_path=None, crop=(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), overwrite=False): """ Rescale a dataset to 8-bit or 16-bit data-type. The dataset can be a folder of tif files, a hdf file, or a 3D array. Parameters ---------- input_ : str, array_like It can be a folder path to tif files, a hdf file, or 3D array. output : str, None It can be a folder path, a hdf file path, or None (memory consuming). nbit : {8,16,32} Select rescaled data-type: 8-bit/16-bit. 32 is for cropping data only. minmax : tuple of float, or None Minimum and maximum values used for rescaling. They are calculated if None is given. skip : int or None Skipping step of images used for getting statistical information. key_path : str, optional Key path to the dataset if the input is a hdf file. crop : tuple of int, optional Crop 3D data from the edges, i.e. crop = (crop_depth1, crop_depth2, crop_height1, crop_height2, crop_width1, crop_width2). overwrite : bool Overwrite an existing file/folder if True. Returns ------- array_like or None If output is None, returning an 3D array. """ if not overwrite: __check_output(output) results = __get_cropped_shape(input_, crop=crop, key_path=key_path) (d1, d2, h1, h2, w1, w2) = results[0] (depth1, height1, width1) = results[1] if minmax is None: if skip is None: skip = int(np.clip(np.ceil(0.15 * depth1), 1, None)) minmax = get_statistical_information_dataset(input_, skip=skip, crop=crop, key_path=key_path)[0:2] if nbit == 8: data_type = "uint8" elif nbit == 16: data_type = "uint16" else: data_type = "float32" out_type = __get_output_type(output) if out_type == "hdf": data_res = losa.open_hdf_stream(output, (depth1, height1, width1), key_path="entry/data", data_type=data_type, overwrite=False) elif out_type is None: data_res = [] else: data_res = None in_type = __get_input_type(input_) if in_type == "tif": data = losa.find_file(input_ + "/*.tif*") elif in_type == "hdf": data = losa.load_hdf(input_, key_path) else: data = input_ for i in range(d1, d2): if in_type == "tif": mat = losa.load_image(data[i])[h1:h2, w1:w2] if nbit != 32: mat = rescale(mat, nbit=nbit, minmax=minmax) else: mat = data[i, h1:h2, w1:w2] if nbit != 32: mat = rescale(mat, nbit=nbit, minmax=minmax) if out_type is None: data_res.append(mat) elif out_type == "hdf": data_res[i - d1] = mat else: out_name = "0000" + str(i) losa.save_image(output + "/img_" + out_name[-5:] + ".tif", mat) if out_type is None: data_res = np.asarray(data_res) return data_res
def __save_intermediate_data(input_, output, axis, crop, key_path=None, rotate=0.0, chunk=16, mode="constant", ncore=None, show_progress=True): """ Supplementary method: save data to an intermediate hdf-file for fast reslicing and reducing the RAM requirements. """ in_type = __get_input_type(input_) results = __get_cropped_shape(input_, crop=crop, key_path=key_path) (d1, d2, h1, h2, w1, w2) = results[0] (depth1, height1, width1) = results[1] chunk = np.clip(chunk, 1, depth1 - 1) last_chunk = depth1 - chunk * (depth1 // chunk) folder_tmp = os.path.splitext(output)[0] + "/tmp_/" file_tmp = folder_tmp + "/file_tmp.hdf" losa.make_folder(folder_tmp) out_key = "entry/data" b_unit = 1024.0 * 1024.0 with h5py.File(file_tmp, 'w') as ofile: t0 = timeit.default_timer() if in_type == "tif": data = losa.find_file(input_ + "/*.tif*") data_type = np.asarray([0])).dtype if axis == 2: hdf_chunk = (chunk, min(100, width1), min(100, height1)) data_tmp = ofile.create_dataset(out_key, (depth1, width1, height1), dtype=data_type, chunks=hdf_chunk) for i in range(0, depth1 - last_chunk, chunk): if show_progress: t1 = timeit.default_timer() f_size = os.path.getsize(file_tmp) / b_unit msg = "Writing to an intermediate hdf-file: {0:.2f} " \ "MB. Time: {1:0.2f}s".format(f_size, t1 - t0) len_msg = len(msg) sys.stdout.write(msg) sys.stdout.flush() mat_tmp = [] mat_chunk = losa.load_image_multiple( data[i + d1: i + chunk + d1], ncore=ncore, prefer="threads") for j in range(chunk): mat = mat_chunk[j] if rotate != 0.0: mat = ndi.rotate(mat, rotate, mode=mode, reshape=False, order=1) mat_tmp.append(np.transpose(mat[h1:h2, w1:w2])) data_tmp[i:i + chunk] = np.asarray(mat_tmp) if show_progress: sys.stdout.write("\r" + " " * len_msg + "\r") if last_chunk != 0: mat_tmp = [] mat_chunk = losa.load_image_multiple( data[depth1 - last_chunk + d1: depth1 + d1], ncore=ncore, prefer="threads") for j in range(last_chunk): mat = mat_chunk[j] if rotate != 0.0: mat = ndi.rotate(mat, rotate, mode=mode, reshape=False, order=1) mat_tmp.append(np.transpose(mat[h1:h2, w1:w2])) data_tmp[depth1 - last_chunk: depth1] = np.asarray(mat_tmp) else: hdf_chunk = (chunk, min(100, height1), min(100, width1)) data_tmp = ofile.create_dataset(out_key, (depth1, height1, width1), dtype=data_type, chunks=hdf_chunk) for i in np.arange(0, depth1 - last_chunk, chunk): if show_progress: t1 = timeit.default_timer() f_size = os.path.getsize(file_tmp) / b_unit msg = "Writing to an intermediate hdf-file: {0:0.2f}" \ "MB. Time: {1:0.2f}s".format(f_size, t1 - t0) len_msg = len(msg) sys.stdout.write(msg) sys.stdout.flush() mat_tmp = [] mat_chunk = losa.load_image_multiple( data[i + d1: i + chunk + d1], ncore=ncore, prefer="threads") for j in range(chunk): mat = mat_chunk[j] if rotate != 0.0: mat = ndi.rotate(mat, rotate, mode=mode, reshape=False, order=1) mat_tmp.append(mat[h1:h2, w1:w2]) data_tmp[i:i + chunk] = np.asarray(mat_tmp) if show_progress: sys.stdout.write("\r" + " " * len_msg + "\r") if last_chunk != 0: mat_tmp = [] mat_chunk = losa.load_image_multiple( data[depth1 - last_chunk + d1: depth1 + d1], ncore=ncore, prefer="threads") for j in range(last_chunk): mat = mat_chunk[j] if rotate != 0.0: mat = ndi.rotate(mat, rotate, mode=mode, reshape=False, order=1) mat_tmp.append(mat[h1:h2, w1:w2]) data_tmp[depth1 - last_chunk: depth1] = np.asarray(mat_tmp) else: data = losa.load_hdf(input_, key_path) data_type = data.dtype if axis == 2: hdf_chunk = (chunk, min(100, width1), min(100, height1)) data_tmp = ofile.create_dataset(out_key, (depth1, width1, height1), dtype=data_type, chunks=hdf_chunk) for i in np.arange(0, depth1 - last_chunk, chunk): if show_progress: t1 = timeit.default_timer() f_size = os.path.getsize(file_tmp) / b_unit msg = "Writing to an intermediate hdf-file: {0:0.2f}" \ "MB. Time: {1:0.2f}s".format(f_size, t1 - t0) len_msg = len(msg) sys.stdout.write(msg) sys.stdout.flush() mat_chunk = data[i: i + chunk] mat_tmp = [] for j in np.arange(chunk): mat = mat_chunk[j] if rotate != 0.0: mat = ndi.rotate(mat, rotate, mode=mode, reshape=False, order=1) mat_tmp.append(np.transpose(mat[h1:h2, w1:w2])) data_tmp[i:i + chunk] = np.asarray(mat_tmp) if show_progress: sys.stdout.write("\r" + " " * len_msg + "\r") if last_chunk != 0: mat_chunk = data[depth1 - last_chunk: depth1] mat_tmp = [] for j in np.arange(last_chunk): mat = mat_chunk[j] if rotate != 0.0: mat = ndi.rotate(mat, rotate, mode=mode, reshape=False, order=1) mat_tmp.append(np.transpose(mat[h1:h2, w1:w2])) data_tmp[depth1 - last_chunk: depth1] = np.asarray(mat_tmp) else: hdf_chunk = (chunk, min(100, height1), min(100, width1)) data_tmp = ofile.create_dataset(out_key, (depth1, height1, width1), dtype=data_type, chunks=hdf_chunk) for i in np.arange(0, depth1 - last_chunk, chunk): if show_progress: t1 = timeit.default_timer() f_size = os.path.getsize(file_tmp) / b_unit msg = "Writing to an intermediate hdf-file: {0:0.2f}" \ "MB. Time: {1:0.2f}s".format(f_size, t1 - t0) len_msg = len(msg) sys.stdout.write(msg) sys.stdout.flush() mat_chunk = data[i: i + chunk] mat_tmp = [] for j in np.arange(chunk): mat = mat_chunk[j] if rotate != 0.0: mat = ndi.rotate(mat, rotate, mode=mode, reshape=False, order=1) mat_tmp.append(mat[h1:h2, w1:w2]) data_tmp[i:i + chunk] = np.asarray(mat_tmp) if show_progress: sys.stdout.write("\r" + " " * len_msg + "\r") if last_chunk != 0: mat_chunk = data[depth1 - last_chunk: depth1] mat_tmp = [] for j in np.arange(last_chunk): mat = mat_chunk[j] if rotate != 0.0: mat = ndi.rotate(mat, rotate, mode=mode, reshape=False, order=1) mat_tmp.append(mat[h1:h2, w1:w2]) data_tmp[depth1 - last_chunk: depth1] = np.asarray(mat_tmp) if show_progress: t1 = timeit.default_timer() f_size = os.path.getsize(file_tmp) / b_unit print("Finish saving intermediate file! File size: {0:0.2f}MB. Time: " "{1:0.2f}s. The file will be deleted at the end!" "".format(f_size, t1 - t0)) return file_tmp, out_key, folder_tmp
[docs]def reslice_dataset(input_, output, axis=1, key_path=None, rescaling=False, nbit=16, minmax=None, skip=None, rotate=0.0, chunk=16, mode="constant", crop=(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), ncore=None, show_progress=True, overwrite=False): """ Reslice a 3d dataset. Input can be a folder of tif files or a hdf file. Parameters ---------- input_ : str, array_like It can be a folder path to tif files or a hdf file. output : str It can be a folder path (for generated tif-files) or a hdf file-path. axis : {1,2} Slicing axis. This axis becomes the 0-axis of the output. key_path : str, optional Key path to the dataset if the input is a hdf file. rescaling : bool Rescale dataset if True. nbit : {8,16} If rescaling is True, select data-type: 8-bit or 16-bit. minmax : tuple of float, or None Minimum and maximum values used for rescaling if True. skip : int or None Skipping step of images used for getting statistical information if rescaling is True and input is 32-bit data. rotate : float Rotate image (degree). Positive direction is counterclockwise. chunk : int Number of images to be loaded/saved in one go to reduce IO overhead. mode : {'reflect', 'grid-mirror', 'constant', 'grid-constant', \ 'nearest', 'mirror', 'grid-wrap', 'wrap'} Select how the input array is extended beyond its boundaries. crop : tuple of int, optional Crop 3D data from the edges, i.e. crop = (crop_depth1, crop_depth2, crop_height1, crop_height2, crop_width1, crop_width2). Cropping is done before reslicing. ncore : int or None Number of cpu-cores. Automatically selected if None. show_progress : bool Show the progress of reslicing data if True. overwrite : bool Overwrite an existing file/folder if True. Returns ------- array_like or None If output is None, returning a 3D array. """ if output is None: raise ValueError("Wrong output type !!!") if axis != 1 and axis != 2: raise ValueError("Only two options for axis: 1 or 2") else: axis = int(axis) if not overwrite: __check_output(output) in_type = __get_input_type(input_) if in_type != "tif" and in_type != "hdf": raise ValueError("Wrong input type !!!") results = __save_intermediate_data(input_, output, axis, crop, key_path, rotate, chunk, mode, ncore, show_progress) file_tmp, key_tmp, folder_tmp = results with h5py.File(file_tmp, 'r') as hdf_object: data = hdf_object[key_tmp] (depth1, height1, width1) = data.shape chunk = np.clip(chunk, 1, height1 - 1) last_chunk = height1 - chunk * (height1 // chunk) data_type = data.dtype res_type = str(data_type) if rescaling is True: if nbit == 16: res_type = "uint16" elif nbit == 8: res_type = "uint8" else: raise ValueError("Only two options for nbit: 8 or 16 !!!") if str(data_type) != res_type: if data_type == np.uint8: minmax = (0, 255) elif data_type == np.uint16: minmax = (0, 65535) else: if skip is None: skip = min(20, int(0.02 * depth1)) skip = int(np.clip(skip, 1, depth1 - 1)) if minmax is None: f_alias = get_statistical_information_dataset minmax = f_alias(input_, percentile=(0, 100), skip=skip, crop=crop, key_path=key_path)[0:2] else: rescaling = False out_type = __get_output_type(output) t0 = timeit.default_timer() if out_type == "hdf": key_path = "entry/data" if key_path is None else key_path data_slice = losa.open_hdf_stream(output, (height1, depth1, width1), data_type=res_type, key_path=key_path, overwrite=True) for i in np.arange(0, height1 - last_chunk, chunk): if show_progress: t1 = timeit.default_timer() f_size = __get_dataset_size(output) msg = "Save resliced data to file: {0:0.2f}MB." \ " Time: {1:0.2f}s".format(f_size, t1 - t0) len_msg = len(msg) sys.stdout.write(msg) sys.stdout.flush() mat_chunk = data[:, i: i + chunk, :] if rescaling: mat_tmp = [] for j in np.arange(chunk): mat = rescale(mat_chunk[:, j, :], nbit, minmax) mat_tmp.append(mat) mat_tmp = np.asarray(mat_tmp) else: mat_tmp = np.copy(np.moveaxis(mat_chunk, 1, 0)) data_slice[i:i + chunk] = mat_tmp if show_progress: sys.stdout.write("\r" + " " * len_msg + "\r") if last_chunk != 0: mat_chunk = data[:, height1 - last_chunk: height1, :] if rescaling: mat_tmp = [] for j in np.arange(last_chunk): mat = rescale(mat_chunk[:, j, :], nbit, minmax) mat_tmp.append(mat) mat_tmp = np.asarray(mat_tmp) else: mat_tmp = np.copy(np.moveaxis(mat_chunk, 1, 0)) data_slice[height1 - last_chunk: height1] = mat_tmp else: list_file, len_msg = None, None for i in np.arange(0, height1 - last_chunk, chunk): if show_progress: t1 = timeit.default_timer() list_file = glob.glob(output + "/*tif*") if list_file: f_size = __get_dataset_size(output) msg = "Save resliced data to file: {0:0.2f}MB." \ " Time: {1:0.2f}s".format(f_size, t1 - t0) len_msg = len(msg) sys.stdout.write(msg) sys.stdout.flush() mat_chunk = data[:, i: i + chunk, :] out_files = [output + "/img_" + ("0000" + str( i + j))[-5:] + ".tif" for j in range(chunk)] if rescaling: mat_chunk = rescale(mat_chunk, nbit, minmax) losa.save_image_multiple(out_files, mat_chunk.astype(res_type), axis=1, ncore=ncore, prefer="threads") if show_progress: if list_file: sys.stdout.write("\r" + " " * len_msg + "\r") if last_chunk != 0: idx = height1 - last_chunk mat_chunk = data[:, idx: height1, :] out_files = [output + "/img_" + ("0000" + str( idx + j))[-5:] + ".tif" for j in range(last_chunk)] if rescaling: mat_chunk = rescale(mat_chunk, nbit, minmax) losa.save_image_multiple(out_files, mat_chunk.astype(res_type), axis=1, ncore=ncore, prefer="threads") if os.path.isdir(folder_tmp): shutil.rmtree(folder_tmp) if out_type == "hdf": shutil.rmtree(os.path.splitext(output)[0]) if show_progress: t1 = timeit.default_timer() f_size = __get_dataset_size(output) print("Finish reslicing data! File size: {0:0.2f}MB. Time: {1:0.2f}s" "".format(f_size, t1 - t0))
[docs]def remove_ring_based_fft(mat, u=20, n=8, v=1, sort=False): """ Remove ring artifacts in the reconstructed image by combining the polar transform and the fft-based method. Parameters ---------- mat : array_like Square array. Reconstructed image u : int Cutoff frequency. n : int Filter order. v : int Number of rows (* 2) to be applied the filter. sort : bool, optional Apply sorting (Ref. [2]) if True. Returns ------- array_like Ring-removed image. References ---------- [1] : [2] : """ (nrow, ncol) = mat.shape if nrow != ncol: raise ValueError( "Width and height of the reconstructed image are not the same") mask = util.make_circle_mask(ncol, 1.0) (x_mat, y_mat) = util.rectangular_from_polar(ncol, ncol, ncol, ncol) (r_mat, theta_mat) = util.polar_from_rectangular(ncol, ncol, ncol, ncol) polar_mat = util.mapping(mat, x_mat, y_mat) polar_mat = remo.remove_stripe_based_fft(polar_mat, u, n, v, sort=sort) mat_rec = util.mapping(polar_mat, r_mat, theta_mat) return mat_rec * mask
[docs]def remove_ring_based_wavelet_fft(mat, level=5, size=1, wavelet_name="db9", sort=False): """ Remove ring artifacts in a reconstructed image by combining the polar transform and the wavelet-fft-based method (Ref. [1]). Parameters ---------- mat : array_like Square array. Reconstructed image level : int Wavelet decomposition level. size : int Damping parameter. Larger is stronger. wavelet_name : str Name of a wavelet. Search pywavelets API for a full list. sort : bool, optional Apply sorting (Ref. [2]) if True. Returns ------- array_like Ring-removed image. References ---------- [1] : [2] : """ (nrow, ncol) = mat.shape if nrow != ncol: raise ValueError( "Width and height of the reconstructed image are not the same") mask = util.make_circle_mask(ncol, 1.0) (x_mat, y_mat) = util.rectangular_from_polar(ncol, ncol, ncol, ncol) (r_mat, theta_mat) = util.polar_from_rectangular(ncol, ncol, ncol, ncol) polar_mat = util.mapping(mat, x_mat, y_mat) polar_mat = remo.remove_stripe_based_wavelet_fft(polar_mat, level, size, wavelet_name, sort=sort) mat_rec = util.mapping(polar_mat, r_mat, theta_mat) return mat_rec * mask