Source code for

# ============================================================================
# ============================================================================
# Copyright (c) 2021 Nghia T. Vo. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
# Author: Nghia T. Vo
# E-mail:  
# Description: Python module for loading and saving data.
# Contributors:
# ============================================================================

Module for I/O tasks:

    -   Load data from an image file (tif, png, jpeg) or a hdf/nxs file.
    -   Get information from a hdf/nxs file.
    -   Search for datasets in a hdf/nxs file.
    -   Save a 2D array as a tif image or 2D, 3D array to a hdf/nxs file.
    -   Get file names, make file/folder name.
    -   Load distortion coefficients from a txt file.
    -   Get the tree view of a hdf/nxs file.
    -   Functions for loading stacks of images from multiple datasets, e.g. to
        be used by speckle-based phase contrast tomography.

import os
import warnings
import platform
from pathlib import Path
import multiprocessing as mp
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from collections import OrderedDict, deque
import h5py
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

PIPE = "│"
ELBOW = "└──"
TEE = "├──"
PIPE_PREFIX = "│   "

def __correct_path(file_path):
    Correct escaped sequences in WinOS file path.
    if isinstance(file_path, Path):
        file_path = str(file_path)
    escape_sequences = {
        '\a': r'\a',
        '\b': r'\b',
        '\f': r'\f',
        '\n': r'\n',
        '\r': r'\r',
        '\t': r'\t',
        '\v': r'\v',
    for char, escaped in escape_sequences.items():
        if char in file_path:
            file_path = file_path.replace(char, escaped)
    file_path = file_path.replace('\\', '/')
    return Path(file_path)

def __get_path(file_path, check_exist=True):
    Get/check a file path
    if platform.system() == 'Windows':
        file_path = __correct_path(file_path)
        file_path = Path(file_path)
    if check_exist:
        if not file_path.exists():
            raise ValueError(f"No such file: {file_path}")
    return file_path

[docs]def load_image(file_path): """ Load an image and convert it to a 2D array Parameters ---------- file_path : str Path to the file. Returns ------- array_like 2D array. """ try: mat = np.array(, dtype=np.float32) except Exception as error: raise ValueError(error) if len(mat.shape) > 2: axis_m = np.argmin(mat.shape) mat = np.mean(mat, axis=axis_m) return mat
[docs]def get_hdf_information(file_path, display=False): """ Get information of datasets in a hdf/nxs file. Parameters ---------- file_path : str Path to the file. display : bool Print the results onto the screen if True. Returns ------- list_key : str Keys to the datasets. list_shape : tuple of int Shapes of the datasets. list_type : str Types of the datasets. """ hdf_object = h5py.File(__get_path(file_path), 'r') keys = [] hdf_object.visit(keys.append) list_key, list_shape, list_type = [], [], [] for key in keys: try: data = hdf_object[key] if isinstance(data, h5py.Group): list_tmp = list(data.items()) if list_tmp: for key2, _ in list_tmp: list_key.append(key + "/" + key2) else: list_key.append(key) else: list_key.append( except KeyError: list_key.append(key) pass for i, key in enumerate(list_key): shape, dtype = None, None try: data = hdf_object[list_key[i]] if isinstance(data, h5py.Dataset): shape, dtype = data.shape, data.dtype list_shape.append(shape) list_type.append(dtype) except KeyError: list_shape.append(shape) list_type.append(dtype) pass hdf_object.close() if display: if list_key: for i, key in enumerate(list_key): print(key + " : " + str(list_shape[i]) + " : " + str( list_type[i])) else: print("Empty file !!!") return list_key, list_shape, list_type
[docs]def find_hdf_key(file_path, pattern, display=False): """ Find datasets matching the name-pattern in a hdf/nxs file. Parameters ---------- file_path : str Path to the file. pattern : str Pattern to find the full names of the datasets. display : bool Print the results onto the screen if True. Returns ------- list_key : str Keys to the datasets. list_shape : tuple of int Shapes of the datasets. list_type : str Types of the datasets. """ hdf_object = h5py.File(__get_path(file_path), 'r') list_key, keys = [], [] hdf_object.visit(keys.append) for key in keys: try: data = hdf_object[key] if isinstance(data, h5py.Group): list_tmp = list(data.items()) if list_tmp: for key2, _ in list_tmp: list_key.append(key + "/" + key2) else: list_key.append(key) else: list_key.append( except KeyError: pass list_dkey, list_dshape, list_dtype = [], [], [] for _, key in enumerate(list_key): if pattern in key: list_dkey.append(key) shape, dtype = None, None try: data = hdf_object[key] if isinstance(data, h5py.Dataset): shape, dtype = data.shape, data.dtype list_dtype.append(dtype) list_dshape.append(shape) except KeyError: list_dtype.append(dtype) list_dshape.append(shape) pass hdf_object.close() if display: if list_dkey: for i, key in enumerate(list_dkey): print(key + " : " + str(list_dshape[i]) + " : " + str( list_dtype[i])) else: print("Can't find datasets with keys matching the " "pattern: {}".format(pattern)) return list_dkey, list_dshape, list_dtype
[docs]def load_hdf(file_path, key_path, return_file_obj=False): """ Load a hdf/nexus dataset as an object. Parameters ---------- file_path : str Path to the file. key_path : str Key path to the dataset. return_file_obj : bool, optional Returns ------- objects hdf-dataset object, and file-object if return_file_obj is True. """ try: hdf_object = h5py.File(__get_path(file_path), 'r') except Exception as error: raise ValueError(f"{error}") check = key_path in hdf_object if not check: raise ValueError( "Couldn't open object with the given key: {}".format(key_path)) if return_file_obj: return hdf_object[key_path], hdf_object else: return hdf_object[key_path]
[docs]def make_folder(file_path): """ Create a folder for saving file if the folder does not exist. This is a supplementary function for savers. Parameters ---------- file_path : str Path to a file. """ path = Path(file_path).resolve() if path.suffix: folder_path = path.parent else: folder_path = path if not folder_path.exists(): try: folder_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"Can't create : {folder_path}. Error: {e}")
[docs]def make_folder_name(folder_path, name_prefix="Output", zero_prefix=5): """ Create a new folder name to avoid overwriting. E.g: Output_00001, Output_00002... Parameters ---------- folder_path : str Path to the parent folder. name_prefix : str Name prefix zero_prefix : int Number of zeros to be added to file names. Returns ------- str Name of the folder. """ folder_path = Path(folder_path) scan_name_prefix = name_prefix + "_" existing_folders = list(folder_path.glob(f"{scan_name_prefix}*")) num_folder_exist = len(existing_folders) num_folder_new = num_folder_exist + 1 name_tmp = f"{num_folder_new:0{zero_prefix}}" scan_name = scan_name_prefix + name_tmp while (folder_path / scan_name).is_dir(): num_folder_new += 1 name_tmp = f"{num_folder_new:0{zero_prefix}}" scan_name = scan_name_prefix + name_tmp return scan_name
[docs]def make_file_name(file_path): """ Create a new file name to avoid overwriting. Parameters ---------- file_path : str or Path object Path to the file. Returns ------- str Updated file path. """ file_path = Path(file_path) file_base = file_path.stem file_ext = file_path.suffix parent_dir = file_path.parent if file_path.exists(): nfile = 0 while True: name_add = f"_{nfile:04d}" new_file_name = f"{file_base}{name_add}{file_ext}" new_file_path = parent_dir / new_file_name if new_file_path.exists(): nfile += 1 else: file_path = new_file_path break return str(file_path)
[docs]def find_file(path): """ Search file Parameters ---------- path : str Path and pattern to find files. Returns ------- str or list of str List of files. """ path = __correct_path(path) file_paths = list(path.parent.glob( if not file_paths: raise FileNotFoundError(f"No files found matching: {path}") return sorted([file.as_posix() for file in file_paths])
[docs]def save_image(file_path, mat, overwrite=True): """ Save a 2D array to an image. Parameters ---------- file_path : str Path to the file. mat : int or float 2D array. overwrite : bool Overwrite an existing file if True. Returns ------- str Updated file path. """ file_path = __get_path(file_path, check_exist=False) file_path = file_path.resolve() file_ext = file_path.suffix if not ((file_ext == ".tif") or (file_ext == ".tiff")): mat = np.uint8( 255.0 * (mat - np.min(mat)) / (np.max(mat) - np.min(mat))) else: data_type = str(mat.dtype) if "complex" in data_type: raise ValueError(f"Can't save to tiff with format: {data_type}") image = Image.fromarray(mat) if not overwrite: file_path = make_file_name(file_path) make_folder(file_path) try: except Exception as error: raise ValueError(f"Couldn't write to file: {file_path}. Error {error}") return file_path
[docs]def open_hdf_stream(file_path, data_shape, key_path='entry/data', data_type='float32', overwrite=True, **options): """ Write an array to a hdf/nxs file with options to add metadata. Parameters ---------- file_path : str Path to the file. data_shape : tuple of int Shape of the data. key_path : str Key path to the dataset. data_type: str Type of data. overwrite : bool Overwrite the existing file if True. options : dict, optional Add metadata. E.g options={"entry/angles": angles, "entry/energy": 53}. Returns ------- object hdf object. """ file_path = __get_path(file_path, check_exist=False) file_path = file_path.resolve() if file_path.suffix.lower() not in {'.hdf', '.h5', '.nxs', '.hdf5'}: file_path = file_path.with_suffix('.hdf') file_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if not overwrite: file_path = Path(make_file_name(file_path)) try: ofile = h5py.File(file_path, 'w') except Exception as error: raise ValueError(f"Couldn't write to file: {file_path}. Error {error}") if len(options) != 0: for opt_name in options: opts = options[opt_name] for key in opts: if key_path in key: msg = "!!!Selected key-path, '{0}', can not be a child " \ "key-path of '{1}'!!!\n!!!Change to make sure " \ "they are at the same level!!!".format(key, key_path) raise ValueError(msg) ofile.create_dataset(key, data=opts[key]) data_out = ofile.create_dataset(key_path, data_shape, dtype=data_type) return data_out
[docs]def load_distortion_coefficient(file_path): """ Load distortion coefficients from a text file. The file must use the following format: x_center : float y_center : float factor0 : float factor1 : float ... Parameters ---------- file_path : str Path to the file Returns ------- tuple of float and list Tuple of (xcenter, ycenter, list_fact). """ file_path = __get_path(file_path, check_exist=True) with open(file_path, 'r') as f: x = list_data = [] for i in x: list_data.append(float(i.split()[-1])) xcenter = list_data[0] ycenter = list_data[1] list_fact = list_data[2:] return xcenter, ycenter, list_fact
[docs]def save_distortion_coefficient(file_path, xcenter, ycenter, list_fact, overwrite=True): """ Write distortion coefficients to a text file. Parameters ---------- file_path : str Path to the file. xcenter : float Center of distortion in x-direction. ycenter : float Center of distortion in y-direction. list_fact : float 1D array. Coefficients of the polynomial fit. overwrite : bool Overwrite an existing file if True. Returns ------- str Updated file path. """ file_path = __get_path(file_path, check_exist=False) file_path = file_path.resolve() if file_path.suffix.lower() not in {'.txt', '.dat'}: file_path = file_path.with_suffix('.txt') file_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if not overwrite: file_path = Path(make_file_name(file_path)) metadata = OrderedDict() metadata['xcenter'] = xcenter metadata['ycenter'] = ycenter for i, fact in enumerate(list_fact): kname = 'factor' + str(i) metadata[kname] = fact with open(file_path, "w") as f: for line in metadata: f.write(str(line) + " = " + str(metadata[line])) f.write('\n') return file_path
def _get_subgroups(hdf_object, key=None): """ Supplementary method for building the tree view of a hdf5 file. Return the name of subgroups. """ list_group = [] if key is None: for group in hdf_object.keys(): list_group.append(group) if len(list_group) == 1: key = list_group[0] else: key = "" else: if key in hdf_object: try: obj = hdf_object[key] if isinstance(obj, h5py.Group): for group in hdf_object[key].keys(): list_group.append(group) except KeyError: pass if len(list_group) > 0: list_group = sorted(list_group) return list_group, key def _add_branches(tree, hdf_object, key, key1, index, last_index, prefix, connector, level, add_shape): """ Supplementary method for building the tree view of a hdf5 file. Add branches to the tree. """ shape = None key_comb = key + "/" + key1 if add_shape is True: if key_comb in hdf_object: try: obj = hdf_object[key_comb] if isinstance(obj, h5py.Dataset): shape = str(obj.shape) except KeyError: shape = str("-> ???External-link???") if shape is not None: tree.append(f"{prefix}{connector} {key1} {shape}") else: tree.append(f"{prefix}{connector} {key1}") if index != last_index: prefix += PIPE_PREFIX else: prefix += SPACE_PREFIX _make_tree_body(tree, hdf_object, prefix=prefix, key=key_comb, level=level, add_shape=add_shape) def _make_tree_body(tree, hdf_object, prefix="", key=None, level=0, add_shape=True): """ Supplementary method for building the tree view of a hdf5 file. Create the tree body. """ entries, key = _get_subgroups(hdf_object, key) num_ent = len(entries) last_index = num_ent - 1 level = level + 1 if num_ent > 0: if last_index == 0: key = "" if level == 1 else key if num_ent > 1: connector = PIPE else: connector = ELBOW if level > 1 else "" _add_branches(tree, hdf_object, key, entries[0], 0, 0, prefix, connector, level, add_shape) else: for index, key1 in enumerate(entries): connector = ELBOW if index == last_index else TEE if index == 0: tree.append(prefix + PIPE) _add_branches(tree, hdf_object, key, key1, index, last_index, prefix, connector, level, add_shape)
[docs]def get_hdf_tree(file_path, output=None, add_shape=True, display=True): """ Get the tree view of a hdf/nxs file. Parameters ---------- file_path : str Path to the file. output : str or None Path to the output file in a text-format file (.txt, .md,...). add_shape : bool Including the shape of a dataset to the tree if True. display : bool Print the tree onto the screen if True. Returns ------- list of string """ hdf_object = h5py.File(__get_path(file_path), 'r') tree = deque() _make_tree_body(tree, hdf_object, add_shape=add_shape) if output is not None: make_folder(output) output_file = open(output, mode="w", encoding="UTF-8") with output_file as stream: for entry in tree: print(entry, file=stream) else: if display: for entry in tree: print(entry) return tree
def __get_ref_sam_stacks_dls(proj_idx, list_data_obj, list_sam_idx, list_ref_idx, list_dark_idx, top, bot, left, right, height, width, flat_field, dark_field, fix_zero_div): """ Supplementary method for the method of "get_reference_sample_stacks_dls" """ ref_stack = [] sam_stack = [] num_img = len(list_data_obj) height1 = bot - top width1 = right - left if flat_field is not None: if flat_field.shape != (height, width): raise ValueError("Shape of flat-field image is not " "the same as projection image " "({0}, {1})".format(height, width)) else: flat_ave = flat_field[top: bot, left:right] else: flat_ave = np.ones((height1, width1), dtype=np.float32) if dark_field is not None: if dark_field.shape != (height, width): raise ValueError("Shape of dark-field image is not " "the same as projection image " "({0}, {1})".format(height, width)) else: dark_ave = dark_field[top: bot, left:right] for i in range(num_img): if dark_field is None: if len(list_dark_idx) != 0: idx1 = list_dark_idx[i][0] idx2 = list_dark_idx[i][-1] + 1 dark_ave = np.mean( list_data_obj[i][idx1:idx2, top:bot, left:right], axis=0) else: dark_ave = np.zeros((height1, width1), dtype=np.float32) if flat_field is not None: flat_dark = flat_ave - dark_ave nmean = np.mean(flat_dark) flat_dark[flat_dark == 0.0] = nmean if len(list_ref_idx) != 0: idx1 = list_ref_idx[i][0] idx2 = list_ref_idx[i][-1] + 1 ref_ave = np.mean(list_data_obj[i][idx1:idx2, top:bot, left:right], axis=0) if flat_field is not None: ref_ave = (ref_ave - dark_ave) / flat_dark else: ref_ave = ref_ave - dark_ave ref_stack.append(np.float32(ref_ave)) idx = list_sam_idx[i][proj_idx] proj = list_data_obj[i][idx, top:bot, left:right] if flat_field is not None: proj = (proj - dark_ave) / flat_dark else: proj = (proj - dark_ave) sam_stack.append(np.float32(proj)) sam_stack = np.asarray(sam_stack, dtype=np.float32) if fix_zero_div: nmean = np.mean(sam_stack) sam_stack[sam_stack == 0.0] = nmean if ref_stack: ref_stack = np.asarray(ref_stack, dtype=np.float32) if fix_zero_div: nmean = np.mean(ref_stack) ref_stack[ref_stack == 0.0] = nmean return ref_stack, sam_stack
[docs]def get_reference_sample_stacks_dls(proj_idx, list_path, data_key=None, image_key=None, crop=(0, 0, 0, 0), flat_field=None, dark_field=None, num_use=None, fix_zero_div=True): """ A method for multi-position speckle-based phase-contrast tomography to get two stacks of reference images (speckle images) and sample images (at the same rotation angle from each tomographic dataset). The method is specific to tomographic datasets acquired at Diamond Light Source (DLS) where projection-images, flat-field images, and dark-field images are in the same 3d array. There is a dataset named "image_key" inside a hdf/nxs file used to distinguish image types. Parameters ---------- proj_idx : int Index of a projection-image in a tomographic dataset. list_path : list of str List of file paths (hdf/nxs format) to tomographic datasets. data_key : str, optional Key to images. Automatically find the key if None. image_key : str, list, tuple, ndarray, optional Key to 1d-array dataset for specifying image types. Automatically find the key if None. Can be used to pass the 1d-array manually. crop : tuple of int, optional Crop the images from the edges, i.e. crop = (crop_top, crop_bottom, crop_left, crop_right). flat_field : ndarray, optional 2D array or None. Used for flat-field correction if not None. dark_field : ndarray, optional 2D array or None. Used for dark-field correction if not None. num_use : int, optional Number of datasets used for stacking. fix_zero_div : bool, optional Correct zeros to avoid zero-division problem down the processing line. Returns ------- ref_stack : ndarray Return if reference-images found. 3D array. sam_stack : ndarray 3D array. A stack of sample-images. """ if not isinstance(list_path, list): raise ValueError("Input must be a list of strings!!!") num_file = len(list_path) if num_use is None: num_use = num_file else: num_use = np.clip(num_use, 1, num_file) if data_key is None: data_key = find_hdf_key(list_path[0], "data/data")[0] if len(data_key) != 0: data_key = data_key[0] else: raise ValueError("Please provide the key to dataset!!!") if image_key is None: image_key = find_hdf_key(list_path[0], "image_key")[0] if len(image_key) != 0: image_key = image_key[0] else: image_key = None warnings.warn("No image-key found!!!. Output will be a single " "stack") (height, width) = load_hdf(list_path[0], data_key).shape[-2:] cr_top, cr_bot, cr_left, cr_right = crop top = cr_top bot = height - cr_bot left = cr_left right = width - cr_right height1 = bot - top width1 = right - left if height1 < 1 or width1 < 1: raise ValueError("Can't crop data with the given input!!!") list_data_obj = [] list_sam_idx = [] list_ref_idx = [] list_dark_idx = [] list_num_proj = [] list_start_idx = [] list_stop_idx = [] for path in list_path[:num_use]: data_obj = load_hdf(path, data_key) num_img = len(data_obj) list_data_obj.append(data_obj) if image_key is not None: if isinstance(image_key, str): int_keys = load_hdf(path, image_key)[:] else: if not (isinstance(image_key, list) or isinstance(image_key, tuple) or isinstance(image_key, np.ndarray)): raise ValueError("Input must be a string, list, tuple, or " "1D numpy array!!!") else: int_keys = np.asarray(image_key, dtype=np.float32) if len(int_keys) != num_img: raise ValueError("Number of image-keys is not the same" " as the number of images {0}!!!" "".format(num_img)) list_tmp = np.where(int_keys == 0.0)[0] if len(list_tmp) != 0: list_idx = np.sort(np.int32(np.squeeze(np.asarray(list_tmp)))) list_sam_idx.append(list_idx) list_start_idx.append(list_idx[0]) list_stop_idx.append(list_idx[-1]) list_num_proj.append(len(list_tmp)) list_tmp = np.where(int_keys == 1.0)[0] if len(list_tmp) != 0: list_ref_idx.append( np.sort(np.int32(np.squeeze(np.asarray(list_tmp))))) list_tmp = np.where(int_keys == 2.0)[0] if len(list_tmp) != 0: list_dark_idx.append( np.sort(np.int32(np.squeeze(np.asarray(list_tmp))))) else: num_proj = num_img list_sam_idx.append(np.arange(num_proj)) list_start_idx.append(0) list_stop_idx.append(num_proj - 1) list_num_proj.append(num_proj) num_proj = np.min(np.asarray(list_num_proj)) start_idx = np.max(np.asarray(list_start_idx)) stop_idx = np.min(np.asarray(list_stop_idx)) if (stop_idx - start_idx + 1) > num_proj: stop_idx = start_idx + num_proj - 1 idx_off = proj_idx + start_idx if idx_off > stop_idx or idx_off < start_idx: raise ValueError("Requested projection-index is out of the range" " [{0}, {1}] given the offset of " "{2}".format(start_idx, stop_idx, start_idx)) else: f_alias = __get_ref_sam_stacks_dls ref_stack, sam_stack = f_alias(proj_idx, list_data_obj, list_sam_idx, list_ref_idx, list_dark_idx, top, bot, left, right, height, width, flat_field, dark_field, fix_zero_div) if len(ref_stack) != 0: return ref_stack, sam_stack else: return sam_stack
def __check_dark_flat_field(flat_field, dark_field, height, width): """ Supplementary method for checking dark-field image, flat-field image. """ if flat_field is not None: if len(flat_field) == 3: flat_field = np.mean(flat_field, axis=0) (height2, width2) = flat_field.shape if height2 != height or width2 != width: raise ValueError("Shape of flat-field image is not " "the same as projection image") else: flat_field = np.ones((height, width)) if dark_field is not None: if len(dark_field) == 3: dark_field = np.mean(dark_field, axis=0) (height2, width2) = dark_field.shape if height2 != height or width2 != width: raise ValueError("Shape of dark-field image is not " "the same as projection image") else: dark_field = np.zeros((height, width)) return flat_field, dark_field
[docs]def get_reference_sample_stacks(proj_idx, ref_path, sam_path, ref_key, sam_key, crop=(0, 0, 0, 0), flat_field=None, dark_field=None, num_use=None, fix_zero_div=True): """ Get two stacks of reference images (speckle images) and sample images (at the same rotation angle from each tomographic dataset). A method for multi-position speckle-based phase-contrast tomography. Parameters ---------- proj_idx : int Index of a projection-image in a tomographic dataset. ref_path : list of str List of file paths (hdf/nxs format) to reference-image datasets. sam_path : list of str List of file paths (hdf/nxs format) to tomographic datasets. ref_key : str Key to a reference-image dataset. sam_key : str Key to a projection-image dataset. crop : tuple of int, optional Crop the images from the edges, i.e. crop = (crop_top, crop_bottom, crop_left, crop_right). flat_field : ndarray, optional 2D array or None. Used for flat-field correction if not None. dark_field : ndarray, optional 2D array or None. Used for dark-field correction if not None. num_use : int, optional Number of datasets used for stacking. fix_zero_div : bool, optional Correct zeros to avoid zero-division problem down the processing line. Returns ------- ref_stack : ndarray 3D array. A stack of reference-images. sam_stack : ndarray 3D array. A stack of sample-images. """ if not isinstance(ref_path, list): raise ValueError("Input-path must be a list of strings!!!") if len(ref_path) != len(sam_path): raise ValueError("Number of inputs must be the same!!!") num_file = len(ref_path) if num_use is None: num_use = num_file else: num_use = np.clip(num_use, 1, num_file) (height, width) = load_hdf(ref_path[0], ref_key).shape[-2:] cr_top, cr_bot, cr_left, cr_right = crop top = cr_top bot = height - cr_bot left = cr_left right = width - cr_right height1 = bot - top width1 = right - left if height1 < 1 or width1 < 1: raise ValueError("Can't crop data with the given input!!!") fix_zeros = False if flat_field is None else True flat_field, dark_field = __check_dark_flat_field(flat_field, dark_field, height, width) flat_field = flat_field[top:bot, left:right] dark_field = dark_field[top:bot, left:right] flat_dark = flat_field - dark_field if fix_zeros: nmean = np.mean(flat_dark) flat_dark[flat_dark == 0.0] = nmean ref_objs = [] sam_objs = [] for i in range(num_use): ref_objs.append(load_hdf(ref_path[i], ref_key)) sam_objs.append(load_hdf(sam_path[i], sam_key)) ref_stack = [] sam_stack = [] for i in range(num_use): if len(ref_objs[i].shape) == 3: ref_ave = np.mean(ref_objs[i][:, top:bot, left:right], axis=0) else: ref_ave = ref_objs[i][top:bot, left:right] proj = sam_objs[i][proj_idx, top:bot, left:right] if fix_zeros: ref_ave = (ref_ave - dark_field) / flat_dark proj = (proj - dark_field) / flat_dark else: ref_ave = ref_ave - dark_field proj = (proj - dark_field) ref_stack.append(np.float32(ref_ave)) sam_stack.append(np.float32(proj)) ref_stack = np.asarray(ref_stack, dtype=np.float32) sam_stack = np.asarray(sam_stack, dtype=np.float32) if fix_zero_div: nmean = np.mean(ref_stack) ref_stack[ref_stack == 0.0] = nmean nmean = np.mean(sam_stack) sam_stack[sam_stack == 0.0] = nmean return ref_stack, sam_stack
[docs]def get_tif_stack(file_base, idx=None, crop=(0, 0, 0, 0), flat_field=None, dark_field=None, num_use=None, fix_zero_div=True): """ Load tif images to a stack. Supplementary method for 'get_image_stack'. Parameters ---------- file_base : str Folder path to tif images. idx : int or None Load single or multiple images. crop : tuple of int, optional Crop the images from the edges, i.e. crop = (crop_top, crop_bottom, crop_left, crop_right). flat_field : ndarray, optional 2D array or None. Used for flat-field correction if not None. dark_field : ndarray, optional 2D array or None. Used for dark-field correction if not None. num_use : int, optional Number of images used for stacking. fix_zero_div : bool, optional Correct zeros to avoid zero-division problem down the processing line. Returns ------- img_stack : ndarray 3D array. A stack of images. """ list_file = find_file(file_base + "/*tif*") num_file = len(list_file) if num_file != 0: (height, width) = np.shape(load_image(list_file[0])) else: raise ValueError("No tif-images in: {}".format(file_base)) if idx is not None: if idx < 0: idx = num_file + idx if idx > (num_file - 1): raise ValueError("Requested index: {0} is out of " "the range: {1}".format(idx, num_file - 1)) if num_use is None: num_use = num_file else: num_use = np.clip(num_use, 1, num_file) cr_top, cr_bot, cr_left, cr_right = crop top = cr_top bot = height - cr_bot left = cr_left right = width - cr_right height1 = bot - top width1 = right - left if height1 < 1 or width1 < 1: raise ValueError("Can't crop data with the given input!!!") fix_zeros = False if flat_field is None else True flat_field, dark_field = __check_dark_flat_field(flat_field, dark_field, height, width) flat_field = flat_field[top:bot, left:right] dark_field = dark_field[top:bot, left:right] flat_dark = flat_field - dark_field if fix_zeros: nmean = np.mean(flat_dark) flat_dark[flat_dark == 0.0] = nmean if idx is not None: img_stack = load_image(list_file[idx])[top:bot, left:right] if fix_zeros: img_stack = (img_stack - dark_field) / flat_dark else: img_stack = img_stack - dark_field img_stack = [img_stack] else: img_stack = [] for file in list_file[:num_use]: img = load_image(file)[top:bot, left:right] if fix_zeros: img = (img - dark_field) / flat_dark else: img = img - dark_field img_stack.append(img) img_stack = np.asarray(img_stack) if fix_zero_div: nmean = np.mean(img_stack) img_stack[img_stack == 0.0] = nmean return img_stack
[docs]def get_image_stack(idx, paths, data_key=None, average=False, crop=(0, 0, 0, 0), flat_field=None, dark_field=None, num_use=None, fix_zero_div=True): """ To get multiple images with the same index from multiple datasets (tif format or hdf format). For tif images, if "paths" is a string (not a list) use idx=None to load all images. For getting a stack of images from a single hdf file, use the "load_hdf" method instead. Parameters ---------- idx : int or None Index of an image in a dataset. Use None to load all images if only one dataset provided. paths : list of str or str List of hdf/nxs file-paths, list of folders of tif-images, or a folder of tif-images. data_key : str Requested if input is a hdf/nxs files. average : bool, optional Average images in a dataset if True. crop : tuple of int, optional Crop the images from the edges, i.e. crop = (crop_top, crop_bottom, crop_left, crop_right). flat_field : ndarray, optional 2D array or None. Used for flat-field correction if not None. dark_field : ndarray, optional 2D array or None. Used for dark-field correction if not None. num_use : int, optional Number of datasets used for stacking. fix_zero_div : bool, optional Correct zeros to avoid zero-division problem down the processing line. Returns ------- img_stack : ndarray 3D array. A stack of images. """ if isinstance(paths, str): if os.path.isdir(paths): img_stack = get_tif_stack(paths, idx=idx, crop=crop, flat_field=flat_field, dark_field=dark_field, num_use=num_use, fix_zero_div=fix_zero_div) else: raise ValueError("The folder: {} does not exist.".format(paths)) elif isinstance(paths, list): num_file = len(paths) if num_use is None: num_use = num_file else: num_use = np.clip(num_use, 1, num_file) tif_format = False if os.path.isdir(paths[0]): tif_format = True else: if data_key is None: raise ValueError( "Please provide the key to a dataset in the hdf/nxs file") if tif_format: list_file = find_file(paths[0] + "/*tif*") if len(list_file) != 0: (height, width) = np.shape(load_image(list_file[0])) else: raise ValueError("No tif-images in: {}".format(paths[0])) else: (height, width) = load_hdf(paths[0], data_key).shape[-2:] cr_top, cr_bot, cr_left, cr_right = crop top = cr_top bot = height - cr_bot left = cr_left right = width - cr_right height1 = bot - top width1 = right - left if height1 < 1 or width1 < 1: raise ValueError("Can't crop data with the given input!!!") fix_zeros = False if flat_field is None else True flat_field, dark_field = __check_dark_flat_field(flat_field, dark_field, height, width) flat_field = flat_field[top:bot, left:right] dark_field = dark_field[top:bot, left:right] flat_dark = flat_field - dark_field if fix_zeros: nmean = np.mean(flat_dark) flat_dark[flat_dark == 0.0] = nmean img_stack = [] if not tif_format: for i in range(num_use): data_obj = load_hdf(paths[i], data_key) if len(data_obj.shape) == 3: if average: img = np.mean(data_obj[:, top:bot, left:right], axis=0) else: img = data_obj[idx, top:bot, left:right] else: img = data_obj[top:bot, left:right] if fix_zeros: img = (img - dark_field) / flat_dark else: img = img - dark_field img_stack.append(img) else: for i in range(num_use): list_file = find_file(paths[i] + "/*tif*") if average: img = np.mean( np.asarray([load_image(file)[top:bot, left:right] for file in list_file]), axis=0) else: img = load_image(list_file[idx])[top:bot, left:right] if fix_zeros: img = (img - dark_field) / flat_dark else: img = img - dark_field img_stack.append(img) img_stack = np.asarray(img_stack) if fix_zero_div: nmean = np.mean(img_stack) img_stack[img_stack == 0.0] = nmean else: raise ValueError("Input must be a list of strings or a folder path!!!") return img_stack
[docs]def load_image_multiple(list_path, ncore=None, prefer="threads"): """ Load list of images in parallel. Parameters ---------- list_path : str List of file paths. ncore : int or None Number of cpu-cores. Automatically selected if None. prefer : {"threads", "processes"} Prefer backend for parallel processing. Returns ------- array_like 3D array. """ if isinstance(list_path, list): if ncore is None: ncore = mp.cpu_count() - 1 num_file = len(list_path) ncore = np.clip(ncore, 1, num_file) if ncore > 1: imgs = Parallel(n_jobs=ncore, prefer=prefer)( delayed(load_image)(list_path[i]) for i in range(num_file)) else: imgs = [load_image(list_path[i]) for i in range(num_file)] else: raise ValueError("Input must be a list of file paths!!!") return np.asarray(imgs)
[docs]def save_image_multiple(list_path, image_stack, axis=0, overwrite=True, ncore=None, prefer="threads", start_idx=0): """ Save an 3D-array to a list of tif images in parallel. Parameters ---------- list_path : str List of output paths or a folder path image_stack : array_like 3D array. axis : int Axis to slice data. overwrite : bool Overwrite an existing file if True. ncore : int or None Number of cpu-cores. Automatically selected if None. prefer : {"threads", "processes"} Prefer backend for parallel processing. start_idx : int Starting index of the output files if input is a folder. """ if isinstance(list_path, list): num_path = len(list_path) num_file = image_stack.shape[axis] if num_path != num_file: raise ValueError("Number of file paths: {0} is different to the " "number of images: {1} given the axis of {2}!!!" "".format(num_path, num_file, axis)) elif isinstance(list_path, str): num_file = image_stack.shape[axis] start_idx = int(start_idx) list_path = [(list_path + "/img_" + ("00000" + str(i))[-5:] + ".tif") for i in range(start_idx, start_idx + num_file)] else: raise ValueError("Input must be a list of file paths or a folder path") if ncore is None: ncore = mp.cpu_count() - 1 ncore = np.clip(ncore, 1, num_file) if axis == 2: if ncore > 1: Parallel(n_jobs=ncore, prefer=prefer)( delayed(save_image)(list_path[i], image_stack[:, :, i], overwrite) for i in range(num_file)) else: for i in range(num_file): save_image(list_path[i], image_stack[:, :, i], overwrite) elif axis == 1: if ncore > 1: Parallel(n_jobs=ncore, prefer=prefer)( delayed(save_image)(list_path[i], image_stack[:, i, :], overwrite) for i in range(num_file)) else: for i in range(num_file): save_image(list_path[i], image_stack[:, i, :], overwrite) else: if ncore > 1: Parallel(n_jobs=ncore, prefer=prefer)( delayed(save_image)(list_path[i], image_stack[i], overwrite) for i in range(num_file)) else: for i in range(num_file): save_image(list_path[i], image_stack[i], overwrite)